Chapter 5

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he picked up Killua. He gave an apologetic look to Gon. The other boy only smiled and placed him on his lap. Killua yawned and looked up at the older boy. He stared up at him, in admiration. He purred and slowly drifted to sleep.


Gon looked at the sleeping cat and smiled gently. Mito saw this and smiled, " You really like that cat huh?" Gon looked at Mito then to Killua. " could say that.." He said as scratched the back of his head. Mito slightly nodded then got up, grabbing both of their plates. "Alright, well you take Killua upstairs," Mito said as she started to was the two plates. Gon nodded and gently grabbed killua, making sure not to wake the sleeping cat. He set Killua down on his bed and grabbed a little dog bed. He had that when he took care of the Foxbear cub. He picked Killua up and pet him in the bed. Gon then slipped into his pajamas and turned off the light and silently making his way to his bed. He slowly started to drift into the darkness until he felt something touch him. He quickly turned around to see a black figure. He sat up and pushed the person to the floor. "Ow..Gon!" They yelled. Gon had forgotten, Killua could turn into a human. "I-Sorry, you scared me."

Killua sighed and got back up."So,  what was it you needed Killua?" Gon managed to whisper, his heart was still racing from the little jump scare Killua gave him.  "I..uh.." Gon sensed Killua was having a hard time. "It's okay, you can tell me." Gon could barely see, but he could make out Killua nodding his head.

"I don't like the dark." Gon looked at the figure, surprised. Gon turned on a lamp that was by his bed. He saw Killuas ears were low and his tail was tucked. "You look like a scared dog." Gon giggled. Killua looked away, flustered. Gon patted his bed. Killua hesitated but came to sit near the other boy. "You can sleep here, I'll keep the lamp on too if you want." The white-haired boy slowly nodded and turned back into a cat. He curled up by Gons pillow and almost instantly fell asleep. "Good night Killua.." Gon mumbled.

Killua woke up to a peaceful sleeping Gon. He got up and stretched and looked at the older sleeping. He purred then hopped off the bed. He turned into human form and turned off the lamp. He looked in Gon's closet and picked out a shirt. "Wow, you have a lot of t-shirts." Killua chuckled. He grabbed a black one and put it on, he couldn't bear wearing the same clothes every day. He had got robbed when he left his stuff for a second to go buy ChocoRobos. He sighed and folded his other shirt and his it. He was sure Gon hadn't told his Aunt about him yet. He yet again made himself stare at the older. He had no reason to do so, it's like he's in a trace when he looks at him. Killua's ears twitched and he flicked his tail. He stopped staring and started walking out of the room.

He made his way downstairs he saw a note and cat food. The note read:
'Gon, make sure you feed Killuas, I bought some food for him. I'll be back at 7:00 pm. Don't do anything while I'm gone ok?'


Your Aunt Mito.

Killua got jealous, he never felt like he was loved. Well, aside from Alluka. But that was really it. No one acted as they did either. They only wanted him to train. That's all he did there anyway. He sighed, sadly, and put the letter back down. He sat down in front of the T.V. and blankly stared at it.

After a while, he got up and headed to Gon's room. He opened the door and made his way to the sleeping boy. Yet again, he was sleeping peacefully. Like he didn't have to worry about anything. Like he didn't know he had an assassin in his house. The Neko chuckled, " I admire you Gon." He said in a whisper.


End of Chapter 5

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