Chapter 1: Briana

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I settled into the cushiony area of my penthouse apartment, the area I created especially for reading books or watching series. The soft glow of the warm sun filtering through the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was a perk bestowed upon me by the company—a luxurious space that served as both home and workspace. Perks of working in a rich company.

I could not help but realise, how far I'd come since joining the company. From humble beginnings in a cramped cubicle to this penthouse, it was hard, the struggles and setbacks I had faced along the way, the moments of doubt and uncertainty that had threatened to derail me. How I picked myself up alone in the past.
Memories of my childhood flooded my mind. I was fortunate to have been raised by loving and supportive parents who had provided me with an idyllic upbringing. Despite their busy schedules—both Mom and Dad held demanding jobs—they always made time for me, ensuring that I never felt neglected or overlooked.

Mom, with her gentle demeanour and unwavering patience, taught me the importance of independence and compassion. She was the epitome of grace under pressure, balancing her career with her responsibilities as a mother with effortless ease. From her, I learned the value of kindness and empathy, lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Dad, on the other hand, was a pillar of strength and resilience, instilling in me a sense of confidence and determination from a young age. He treated me like a princess, lavishing me with love and affection while also encouraging me to pursue my dreams fearlessly. His unwavering support and belief in my abilities gave me the courage to stand tall in the face of adversity, to never back down from a challenge.

Together, they raised me with values that transcended gender norms, teaching me to embrace both my femininity and my strength. We may have been an upper-middle-class family, but our home was filled with love and laughter, our lives enriched by the simple pleasures of togetherness. We may not have had all the luxuries in the world, but we had everything we needed—and more importantly, we had each other.

As I reminisced about those cherished moments from my past, a sense of gratitude washed over me. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, remembering them.

But beneath the surface of our picture-perfect family lies a secret, a shadow that has lingered in the recesses of my mind for years. Despite their unwavering love and support, there are parts of me that I have kept hidden, locked away in the depths of my soul. My parents have sensed it, I'm sure of it. The way they look at me sometimes, a hint of concern flickering in their eyes, as if they know there's something I'm not telling them.

Yet, they have never pressed me for answers, never prodded me to reveal the truths I have buried deep within. Instead, they have stood by my side, offering silent solidarity and unconditional love, a beacon of strength in the face of my inner turmoil. It's a delicate dance we've mastered over the years, a silent agreement to let sleeping dogs lie, to preserve the fragile harmony of our family.

Because at the end of the day, I have to fight my monsters alone, I have to supress them alone because whoever comes in between us gets destroyed beyond repair.

But, just as quickly as the memories surfaced, I pushed them aside.

I am not letting them control me again. That was in the past.

Choosing instead to focus on the present moment.

With my laptop perched on my lap, a steaming mug of coffee within reach and my comfy pyjamas on. I was feeling myself. Today was a rare break from the demands of the office, a chance to unwind and indulge in the simple pleasure of binge-watching my favourite web series without anyone shouting in my ears or irritating me.

Struggling with my laptop charger, I finally managed to get the screen to light up. The countdown for the final episode of my favourite web series was on, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Could this day get any more laid-back?" I murmured to myself, a smile playing at the corners of my lips.

I cannot digest the fact that I haven't gotten a single call from office today.

Just as excitement reached its peak, my relaxing aura was shattered by the ringing of my phone.

Yep, I just jinxed myself. Lovely.

Recognizing the caller as my best friend and boss, Alex, I answered with a mix of irritation and curiosity, curiosity about what crisis did he get into himself now.

" Alex you have got 10 secs, say what you want and cut the call". I said bracing myself for his usual frantic plea for assistance

Alex replied in a panicked tone -" Bri I know you are having a day off, but please for God's sake just help me this once. I am in a major problem, and and... (has he lost it?)

we are done, the car which was about to pick up the CEO of one of our contractors has broken down in the middle of the road !! So just help me this once Briana...?!!"

Oh lord give me sanity and energy to survive with this man.

I glanced at my laptop and the timer was ticking ...10,9,8, 7... Gritting my teeth and squeezing my eyes, I said "Fine, I'll pick him up." But before he could cut the call, I said in a warning tone.

"YOU OWE ME THIS"! I relented feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of ruining my day off. So much for living a peaceful day.

With Alex's ecstatic response ringing in my ears, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his childishness, I wonder what his workers will think of their boss if they see him like this. He always had a knack for celebrating the smallest victories, much to my annoyance.

With the call concluded, I sprang into action, hastily gathering my essentials—a makeup bag and a suit bag—before darting out the door and into a waiting taxi. As I settled into the backseat, I strategically hooked the suit bag to the back seat AC to shield me from prying eyes, then directed the driver towards the fastest route to the airport, where the CEO awaited.

With each passing moment, the reality of meeting the CEO in my pyjamas grew my anxiety more and making me change faster. I hope he isn't one of those old annoying jerks.

"Let's get this over with," I muttered to myself, steeling myself for the challenge ahead, regardless of the attire.

Hey guys.. so, what do you think about Briana...?
Do tell me what all you expect from this story..

Till then, see ya..✌

1162 words 

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