Chapter 4: Ashton

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As Briana handed me the candy, a wave of shock washed over me. How did she know about my hypoglycaemia? It's a closely guarded secret, known only to my Nonna and a select few others. And yet, here she was, offering me a pineapple-flavoured candy, my favourite no less.

Yes, I have a fav candy, just because I am an adult does not mean I can't like candy.

How did she have it with her? The questions buzzed in my mind, leaving me momentarily stunned. But I quickly composed myself, masking my surprise with a cool demeanour. However, inwardly, I couldn't shake off the nagging curiosity about how Briana had come to possess such intimate knowledge about me.

As I sat in the backseat of the car, the vibrations of the engine humming beneath me, my phone suddenly came to life with the familiar ringtone signalling an incoming call. Glancing at the caller ID, a small smile graced my lips as I saw who it was,

Miss Valentina or Nonna (as she wanted me to address her).

As I navigated through the demands of my corporate world, there was one person who remained a constant source of warmth in my life: Miss Valentina, my nanny. While my parents were preoccupied with their business affairs, Miss Valentina provided me with the love and care that I so desperately craved. She was always like a secret sunshine, her presence bringing light and joy into my otherwise sterile existence. With others, she was reserved and silent, but with me, she was a beacon of affection and warmth. Despite the coldness that pervaded my family life, she never failed to shower me with love and attention.

I stopped believing in love long ago, hardened by the indifference of my parents. But Miss Valentina, with her sophisticated demeanour and motherly nature, had a way of breaking through my barriers. She was more than just a nanny; she was a confidante, a friend, and the only reason I continued to function in the midst of my tumultuous upbringing.

She was, is and will always be my Nonna.

With her infectious laughter and penchant for cracking jokes, Miss Valentina brought a sense of levity to my otherwise serious existence. She was the only reason I made the journey back to Italy every few months, craving the comfort and familiarity of her presence. Though my parents may have failed me, Miss Valentina remained a steadfast presence in my life, reminding me that love could still exist amidst the chaos of my world.

Just the person I needed.

Without hesitation, I answered, eager for the comforting presence of the woman who had been like a second mother to me. As I answered the call from Miss Valentina, her warm voice instantly filled the car, bringing a sense of familiarity and comfort. "Miss Valentina, how are you?" I greeted with genuine warmth, expecting the usual exchange of pleasantries.

But instead of the usual response, there came Miss Valentina's strict voice, laced with affectionate scolding. "You dumb boy, how many times have I told you not to call me Miss Valentina? Instead, call me Nonna," she chided in her no nonsense tone.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reprimand, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I'm sorry, Nonna," I replied, amusement coloring my voice, "How are you?"

She's the only person in the entire world who can speak to me with such authority, offer profound wisdom, and scold me without reservation. When she gets angry, I spare no effort to appease her. I'd swiftly deal with anyone else who dared to talk back or raise their voice at me.

Her response was a hearty laugh, followed by a string of Italian phrases justifying her mood.

As I exchanged pleasantries with her, I couldn't help but notice a subtle change in Briana's demeanour. Glancing up, I caught her eye in the rearview mirror, her lips curved into a gentle smile that seemed to brighten her features. For a moment, I was puzzled by her expression. Why was she smiling? Was there something amusing about my conversation with nonna? I brushed off the thought, attributing it to the usual quirks of human behaviour, and focused my attention back on the call.

"Ah, Ashton, mio caro," came Nonna's melodious voice through the line. "I hope I'm not disturbing you too much, am I?"

"Not at all, Nonna. Your calls are always a welcome interruption," I replied, feeling a sense of ease wash over me at the sound of her voice.

"I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing, mio caro. You've been working so hard lately, I worry about you," Nonna expressed with concern, I could already see her eyes getting wrinkled with worry.

I couldn't help but smile at her concern.

"I appreciate your concern, Nonna. Everything is under control, as always."

"Ah, you're a strong one, mio caro, just like your father," Nonna remarked fondly.

"But don't forget to take care of yourself, too."

"I won't, Nonna," I assured her, feeling a swell of gratitude for her unwavering support.

"And how are things back home? Is everything alright?" I inquired, genuinely interested in her well-being.

"Si, si, everything is just fine here. The garden is blooming beautifully, and I've been experimenting with some new recipes," Nonna shared excitedly. "And I have a surprise for you when you return!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "I can't wait to see it, Nonna. Thank you for always looking out for me."

"It's my pleasure, mio caro. You're like a son to me," Miss Valentina replied warmly. "Now, go conquer the world as you always do. I'll be waiting for your return."

With a sense of reassurance and comfort enveloping me, I bid Nonna farewell before ending the call. As the conversation with Nonna ended, I couldn't shake the feeling of Briana's gaze lingering on me. I stole a quick glance in her direction, meeting her eyes for a fleeting moment before returning my focus to the call. Whatever had sparked her smile remained a mystery to me, but I had more pressing matters to attend to.

Despite the curiosity nagging at the back of my mind, I maintained my composure, reading the files in my phone as if nothing had happened. Only when words got blurred in the report did I allow myself a moment to reflect on Briana's enigmatic smile, but by then, the moment had passed, and I was once again consumed by the demands of the day.

Huh is she a bit, you know? Why would she smile?


How was the chapter, I hope yall like it.

Also, i would love to hear your theories about this.

Titania Writes

1106 Words

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