Chapter 21: Ashton

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As I drove back home after dropping Briana off, my mind was in turmoil.

Tap. Tap. Tap. I 

So much had happened in such a short span of time.

When I arrived to pick her up for the gala, I hadn't expected her to look so stunning. "Beautiful" was an understatement. The dress clung to her curves in all the right places, her natural beauty shining through with minimal makeup. She carried herself with a confidence that was utterly captivating. I found myself obsessing over every detail of her appearance, dissecting her every move with a fervour bordering on madness. The way her hair fell in loose waves, the curve of her lips as she spoke—every aspect of her existence became a source of fixation for me. If only I could have found the words to express how breathtaking she looked when Noah asked me, but mere words couldn't do her justice. Her beauty transcended any description.

The reason for my silence throughout the evening was simple: I was fighting an internal battle to restrain the overwhelming desire I felt for her. It was startling how she had such a profound effect on me, stirring possessive instincts I never knew I had. I found myself imagining scenarios with her that bordered on the forbidden, and the intensity of my feelings both scared and excited me.

As I rolled down the car window, hoping the cool night air would help clear my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling of being hot and bothered in her presence. It was unsettling how she had the power to affect me so deeply, especially considering our professional relationship. But try as I might to ignore it, my body seemed to have other ideas.

Now that I've got a taste of her, I feel like a beast who's tasted blood for the first time. Her soft, luscious lips linger in my mind, haunting me with their memory. Even the slightest hint of embarrassment, causing her cheeks to flush, only adds to her allure. It had been like nothing I'd ever experienced before, igniting a fire within me that I feared would never be extinguished. It consumed me entirely, leaving me breathless and wanting more. It was a dangerous temptation; one I knew I shouldn't indulge in but found myself unable to resist.

What puzzled me even more was the way my memories seemed to resurface whenever I was with Briana. The fact that she was somehow connected to my past only added to the mystery, and I couldn't shake the feeling that she was hiding something from me.
And yet, even as I surrendered to the allure of her presence, a part of me recoiled in fear. For in the depths of my soul, I knew that to truly possess her would mean delving into the darkest corners of my own psyche, confronting demons that I had long sought to bury. I knew that diving deeper into this will destroy both of us, but my soul had already made its choice despite the repeated warnings from my brain.

As I pulled into my driveway, thoughts of Briana lingered in my mind, refusing to be ignored. With a heavy sigh, I stepped out of my car and made my way up to my penthouse.

Arriving at my penthouse, I was greeted by the comforting glow of the city lights filtering through the windows. With a flick of the switch, I illuminated the space, casting away the shadows that clung to the corners of the room.

Turning on the lights, I headed straight for the bathroom, the warm glow casting shadows on the marble tiles. The sound of the shower running filled the room as I stepped beneath the cascading water, letting it wash away the tension from the day as my muscles relaxed. The steam rose around me, creating a foggy layer on the glass enclosure. Emerging from the shower, I wrapped a towel around my torso while I used the other towel to dry my hair. As I glanced at the clock, it was already midnight.

I need some tea to not catch cold.

With a sense of purpose, I made my way to the kitchen, the soft light from the refrigerator illuminating the room as I prepared a cup of herbal tea, its fragrant aroma soothing my frayed nerves.

With the warm mug cradled in my hands, I settled into bed with my laptop, intending to catch up on company emails before calling it a night. With the warm glow of the laptop screen illuminating the room, I settled into bed, intending to delve into the company emails and project updates. However, my concentration was interrupted by the shrill ring of my phone, signalling an incoming call from Simon, my therapist.

Picking up the call, I greeted him with a sigh, already anticipating the direction our conversation would take. "Hello, Simon."

"You haven't been having nightmares lately, Ashton," Simon observed, his tone both curious and cautious. "That's a positive development, but I'm interested to know what's changed in your life."

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. "I'm not entirely sure," I admitted. "My life hasn't undergone any significant changes, but I've been experiencing glimpses of my past, especially when I'm around Briana.

Simon's surprise was evident in his voice. "Briana? The new chief secretary?"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yes, her. It's as if being around her triggers these memories, although they're still hazy and incomplete."

After a thoughtful pause, Simon spoke again, his tone measured. "Ashton, it's possible that spending more time with Briana could help unlock more memories from your past. Sometimes, our subconscious responds to familiar stimuli, and she seems to be one for you."

I considered his words carefully, weighing the potential risks and rewards. Spending more time with Briana was already on my list after today's event and now I got one more reason, could indeed provide answers to the questions that had plagued me for years. "I'll keep that in mind."

With that, we bid each other farewell, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the gentle glow of the laptop screen. As I sipped my tea, I couldn't shake the feeling that my encounters with Briana held the key to unlocking the mysteries of my past.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I closed my laptop, ready to call it a night when my phone buzzed with an incoming call. Glancing at the screen, I saw it was my mother calling, and instantly, all the tension and stress I had tried to reduce flooded back in. I debated whether to answer or let it go to voicemail, but ultimately, I begrudgingly accepted the call.

"Hello, Mother," I greeted, my voice tight with irritation.

"Oh, Ashton, darling! How are you, dear?" Her voice was overly cheerful, grating on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

I rolled my eyes, already sensing where this conversation was headed. "I'm fine, Mother. Just busy with work."

She feigned concern. "Oh, I hope you're taking care of yourself, Ashton. You know how important your health is to me."

I scoffed inwardly, knowing her concern for my health was merely a facade. "Yes, Mother, I know. Is there something you need?"

Her tone shifted subtly, and I could practically hear the scheming smile in her voice. "Well, actually, I wanted to talk to you about an opportunity. The daughter of one of my clients is quite wealthy and influential. I think if you were to... um, get to know her better, it could benefit both of us."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. This was not the first time my mother had tried to set me up with one of her clients' daughters for her own selfish gain.

"Mother, I've told you before, I'm not interested in being a pawn in your business dealings. Besides, I have no desire to date someone just to further your agenda."

There was a pause on the other end of the line before my mother replied, her tone icy. "Well, suit yourself, Ashton. But don't come crying to me when you miss out on a golden opportunity."

With that thinly veiled threat, she hung up, leaving me alone in the silence of my apartment. I rubbed my temples, feeling the familiar ache of a tension headache coming on. Retrieving my bottle of pills, I swallowed two with a gulp of water, hoping to stave off the impending headache.

As I settled into bed, theevents of the evening weighing heavily on my mind, I couldn't shake the feelingof frustration and resentment towards my mother. But as exhaustion washed overme, I knew sleep was the only escape from the chaos of my thoughts. Closing myeyes, I drifted off into an uneasy slumber, hoping for respite from the turmoilof my mind.


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