Chapter 14: Briana

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Life is a merciless beast, hurling us from moments of bliss to the depths of despair with no warning. One moment, our laughter echoed through the air, and the next, the world was drenched in a pool of crimson. His clothes, once vibrant and full of life, were now stained with the stark reminder of our nightmare.

As I held his bloodied, cold hand in mine, my heart pounded against my chest with a terrifying intensity. The sight of blood soaking his clothes, turning them a gruesome shade of red, was almost too much to bear. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as I waited for the ambulance to arrive, each second feeling like an eternity. I couldn't stop the hysterical cries that escaped my lips, my trembling hands unable to provide any comfort as I desperately tried to wake him. "Baby, please wake up," I pleaded, my voice choked with fear and anguish. "Please, love, don't leave me. You promised you'd never leave."

But his eyes remained closed, his face pale and devoid of the mischievous smirk I cherished. His enchanting grey eyes were covered by the shut eyelids preventing me from finding warmth in them. I felt a surge of panic rising within me as I realized how still his chest had become. "No, no, you can't leave me," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the chaos around me. I shook his shoulders gently, willing him to wake up, to come back to me. "Stay with me, darling," I begged, tears blurring my vision. "You never break your promises, remember? You promised to marry me, to have children with me."

I forced a laugh, a desperate attempt to cling to some hope. "Please, open your eyes, baby," I pleaded, cupping his cheek in my hand. But his warmth was fading, his presence slipping away from me with each passing moment.

I continued to whisper to him, recounting our shared memories, our dreams for the future, our history that he always used to love listening. All the while, I prayed for the ambulance to arrive, to save him, to save us. But as the minutes ticked by, hope began to wane, replaced by an overwhelming sense of despair. I remained by his side, refusing to let go, even as the world around me blurred into a haze of grief and uncertainty. All I could do was wait, hoping against hope for a miracle that may never come.

I jolted awake, my body drenched in sweat, my heart hammering against my chest as if trying to break free. Gasping for air, I reached out for the glass of water on my nightstand, gulping it down with desperation. The cold liquid soothed my parched throat, but the panic still lingered.
Climbing out of bed, I stumbled towards the balcony, craving the cool embrace of the night air. I leaned against the railing, my lungs burning as I drank in the crispness of the night. Each breath felt like a lifeline, a reprieve from the suffocating grip of the nightmare that haunted me.

The dreams had plagued me for years, but lately, they had become more vivid, more real. It was as if the lines between reality and illusion were blurring, leaving me trapped in a never-ending cycle of terror.

And as I stood there, staring out into the darkness, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. my mind continued to replay fragments of the nightmare; each scene etched into my memory with painful clarity. The sight of blood pooling around him, the desperation in my voice as I begged him to wake up—it all felt so hauntingly real, even in the light of day.

I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of my stomach, like a heavy weight dragging me down. The dream had dredged up memories I had long tried to bury, memories of loss and heartache that still haunted me to this day.

But as much as I tried to push them away, they lingered at the edges of my consciousness, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the cruel twists of fate that could tear loved ones away in an instant.

There's a reason why I don't do friendships anymore, there's a reason why I don't do love anymore and relationships? Forget about that. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine, memories of constant betrayal from everyone lead me to who I am today. At the end of the day there's no one asking questions that I don't want to answer.

"Why don't you date" -
Too busy
"Why don't you make friends" – Too busy

I didn't realise as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a faint glow over the city, I dragged myself away from the balcony and back into my room. The remnants of the nightmare still clung to me like a heavy shroud, weighing me down with a sense of unease.

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and realized with a sinking feeling that it was time to start another day. Despite my exhaustion, I knew I couldn't afford to let the nightmares dictate my life. I had a job to do, responsibilities to fulfil.

With a deep breath, I forced myself to push aside the lingering fear and focus on the tasks ahead. I quickly showered and dressed, the routine helping to ground me in reality. Then, grabbing my bag, keys and my coffee tumbler, I headed out the door, steeling myself for whatever challenges the day might bring.

As I stepped out into the bustling streets of the city, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at my insides. But I squared my shoulders and set off towards the office, determined to face whatever lay ahead with courage and resilience. After all, I had survived countless nightmares before, and I wasn't about to let them defeat me now. Anyways I don't have much to loose that I'll be scared to fight back. 

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