Chapter 15: Briana

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Today has been quite a peaceful day.

Don't jinx it Bri...

I've had my breakfast today in peace. Anna and others had helped me in the budget development project that we are working on. And I'm sipping my 2nd cup of cold coffee now as I'm reading todays new.

The shrill ring of the telephone startled me as I was about to drop my coffee. Glancing at the caller ID, I noticed it was Mr. Adam.

Lessgo Bri, you just jinxed your peace...

Sighing, I picked up the phone, "Good afternoon, Sir. How may I assist you?" I answered, trying to keep my tone professional.

"Miss Rivera, report to my cabin immediately," came Mr. Adam's terse reply as he hung up the phone without waiting for my response.

A sense of doubt crept over me as I rose from my desk and made my way to his office. Knocking softly, I heard his faint command to enter. Stepping inside, I found Mr. Adam reviewing the budget plan I had submitted the previous day.
His brows were furrowed in concentration, his gaze fixed on the documents spread out before him.

"Good afternoon, Sir," I greeted again, this time more formally as I approached his desk.

Mr. Adam looked up; his expression unreadable as his eyes met mine. "Miss Rivera, I need to discuss some revisions to this budget plan," he began, his tone clipped and businesslike.

I started biting my inner cheek as a habbit, as my heart sank slightly at the mention of revisions. I had worked tirelessly on that plan, and the thought of having to make significant changes was disheartening.

"Of course, Sir," I replied, keeping my voice steady despite the knot of anxiety forming in my stomach. "I'm here to assist in any way I can."

As I was reviewing my files, Mr

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As I was reviewing my files, Mr. Adam's voice broke my concentration. "Ms. Rivera," he began, his tone a blend of curiosity and scepticism, "I heard from Alex that there's not a single thing you can't do. So, I assume he's, correct?"

His question caught me off guard, and for a moment, I hesitated. Alex was one of my colleagues, known for his knack for gossip. I couldn't help but wonder what he might have said to Mr. Adam.

I looked at Mr. Adam doubtfully, my instincts flashing warning signs about any response I might give him. But after a brief pause, I nodded hesitantly and replied, "Yes, Sir, I guess so."

He raised his left eyebrow in a questioning manner about my hesitant answer, so I changed my reaction into a smirk while saying, "Well, one can say that I'm wonder woman."

I don't think you should've said that bri.

Mr. Adam's response was tinged with fake sarcasm as his signature smirk crept onto his face. "Wonderful," he said, the mischief evident in his tone. "I just returned from abroad. I don't even have time to clean my house. So, please help me with the cleanup work of my house. I'll stay at my office tonight."

His request stunned me.

Did he just ask me to clean his house?

My blood boiled at the audacity of the request.

I'm his chief secretary, not his housemai-

My thought process was broken by his clicking of fingers, indicating me that I haven't replied yet. So, I quickly changed my reaction into a confident smile and nodded my head towards him and mumbled a "Ok Boss" before leaving his cabin.


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I swiped the card to Mr. Adam's penthouse door, the weight of the unexpected task settling heavily on my shoulders. The door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit interior, and I stepped inside, feeling like an intruder in my boss's private sanctuary.

The sight that greeted me was almost comical - every piece of furniture draped in white bedsheets, as if the entire place had been wrapped up for storage. Suppressing a sigh, I kicked off my heels and got to work, methodically removing the sheets and folding them neatly as I went.

As I moved through the rooms, a mix of frustration and amusement bubbled up inside me. Who knew that being a chief secretary involved moonlighting as a housekeeper? But then again, Mr. Adam was full of surprises.

As I was dusting the bookshelves in Mr. Adam's library, my phone buzzed in my pocket, startling me. With a quick glance at the caller ID, I saw it was my mom calling.

"Hi Mom," I answered, trying to sound casual despite the oddity of the situation.

"Briana, sweetheart, how are you? Where are you right now?" Her voice was filled with concern, as always.

"I'm fine, Mom, just at work," I replied, trying to keep things vague.

"At work? At this hour?" Her tone shifted to disbelief. "What are you doing there so late?"

I hesitated for a moment, debating whether to tell her the truth. But then, knowing my mom, she'd worry herself sick if she knew I was cleaning my boss's house.

"Oh, you know, just some last-minute tasks," I said with a forced lightness, hoping she wouldn't press for details.

"Well, make sure you take care of yourself, okay? And don't let that boss of yours work you too hard, I'm sure he'll get bald head along with his employees, by the amount of work he gives." she cursed, her motherly instincts kicking in.

I couldn't help but laugh at her concern. "Don't worry, Mom, I can handle him," I assured her, my voice tinged with amusement.

"You better, or else I'll come over there and give him a piece of my mind!" she threatened, only half-joking.

I chuckled at her fierce protectiveness. "Thanks, Mom. I'll keep that in mind. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Take care," she said before hanging up.

I went to the hall, in the kitchen, I found a note taped to the fridge - "Don't touch the scotch."


I rolled my eyes and continued my cleaning spree, making mental notes to bill him for the extra effort.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I stepped back to survey my handiwork. The penthouse was gleaming, the bedsheets neatly stacked by the door. Satisfied, I left for my house realisng that it was 11pm already.

I couldn't help but wonder what Mr. Adam's reaction would be when he returned.Would he appreciate the effort, or would he find some fault to nitpick? Onlytime would tell. 

I'll probably make ramen for myself and sleep after eating it.

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