Chapter 9: Ashton

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As I made my way up to the floor, my mind was still consumed by the encounter with Ms. Rivera. There was something about her that intrigued me, something beyond her professional demeanour and quick wit.

what are you, Briana.

As I stepped out of the lift and began walking toward the meeting room, the sound of voices reached my ears. Curious, I paused, recognizing the familiar tones of Alex and Ms. Rivera. They were engaged in conversation, and from the playful banter and teasing laughter, it seemed they were discussing our recent interaction.

"Gosh, she doesn't even need a blush with the amount of reddish pink her cheeks turn into while she's blushing," Alex remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, picturing Ms. Rivera's flustered expression. It was a rare sight, seeing her caught off guard, and I found myself oddly drawn to those moments of vulnerability. There's something about her, the fact I want to make her loose her in her own game of hiding, hiding behind her "perfect" facade.

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted by a realization. I had intended to inform Alex about the documentation for the company, a matter that had slipped my mind until now. With a mental shake, I refocused on the task at hand and continued toward the meeting room.

As I approached, the teasing voices grew louder, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity.

What were they discussing for so long, it couldn't be about the same topic, and why did it seem to involve me?

Pushing open the door as I entered the room, the playful atmosphere shifted slightly, and I couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in Alex's eyes as he spoke about Ms. Rivera.

"Ah, Mr. Adam," Alex greeted, his tone tinged with amusement. "We were just discussing your recent encounter with Ms. Rivera. Quite the interesting topic, wouldn't you say?"

From the corner of my eye, I could see Briana trying to shush Alex, but he showed no change of emotions. His playful demeanour persisted, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation at the sight. I forced a polite smile, but inwardly, I bristled at the mention of Ms. Rivera blushing. It was a subtle trigger, one that stirred a sense of unease within me, my jaw clenching involuntarily.

What does he think of himself, flirting so openly with her? It's not like I'm jealous. It's the fact that there's no professionalism within them.

I rationalized, trying to push aside the unsettling feeling in my gut. I struggled to maintain my composure as Alex continued to banter with Ms. Rivera, their easy camaraderie grating on my nerves. It was a reminder of the boundary that seemed to blur between them, a boundary I couldn't quite decipher.

With a silent sigh, I willed myself to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside the flicker of irritation that simmered beneath the surface like a dormant volcano on the verge of eruption. Their banter continued unabated, each word grating on my nerves like sandpaper against raw skin. I could feel the tension coiling tighter within me with every passing moment, a silent storm gathering strength behind a facade of calm.

But as the seconds ticked by, my patience wore thin like a thread stretched beyond its limit. I couldn't suppress the surge of frustration any longer.

"If you guys don't have any work to do, that doesn't mean I don't have mine to complete," I finally interjected, my voice laced with an edge of sharpness that cut through the playful atmosphere like a knife.

"I'm here to remind you that I'll be needing the company papers along with the employee handles. Email everything to my assistant within 2 days."

Both Briana and Alex froze in their tracks, their expressions shifting from amusement to apprehension in an instant. Their wide-eyed stares bore into me, silently acknowledging the gravity of my words.

Why the heck are they looking at me like I just killed a person in front of them. Fucking Children in grown ass adult's body.

Leaving the room, I could still feel the lingering traces of tension prickling at my skin like invisible needles. The anger simmered beneath the surface, an untamed beast struggling to break free from its cage.

Not the migraine again

As I stood waiting for the lift, the dull ache behind my temples intensified, a persistent reminder of the mounting pressure weighing down on me. Glancing up, I caught sight of Briana and Alex approaching from the corridor toward the elevator.

We stood there in the quiet corridor, the air thick with unspoken tension. Each of us waiting for the elevator, but it seemed like an eternity. The silence was palpable, almost suffocating, yet I found solace in its familiar embrace. Small talk was a luxury I couldn't afford, not with the persistent ache behind my eyes.

My train of thought was abruptly derailed when Alex piped up, offering to escort me to my car. I declined with a curt nod, my gaze drifting to Briana.

"No need," I said, my tone firm. "Miss Briana can walk me out." A subtle smirk making it's way on my face.

I noticed the brief flicker of surprise in Briana's eyes, quickly masked behind her composed façade, the biting of her inner cheek. I've noticed that she tends to bite her inner cheek whenever she's in deep thought or when she's caught off guard and her plans don't go as she had planned. I knew I had struck a chord. I relished the challenge of unravelling her carefully constructed mask, determined to expose the vulnerabilities hidden beneath. After all, I thrived on challenges, and breaking people was an art form I had mastered long ago.


So, how was it?
Ik it's a bit short. I'll make the next chapter worth it.

Words: 969

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