Chapter 5: Briana

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As soon as we reached Knight Industries, I guided Mr. Adam to Alex's floor, which happened to be the top floor of the building, the 54th. Riding the elevator with Mr. Adam felt like the longest and most nerve-wracking experience ever.

How can someone be so emotionless?

Once the lift doors opened, Alex emerged from his office, flashing his signature smile that often charmed the ladies. Well, except me. Alex and I have always been like siblings, often calling each other by weird names. He calls me Juliet, and I call him Romeo.

He definitely, did not force and blackmail me to call him Romeo.

I do love our cringy nicknames, but I would never accept that in front of Alex, his male ego is always high, and I don't want to boost it more.

As Alex introduced himself to Mr. Adam, extending his hand for a friendly handshake, Mr. Adam only gave him a firm nod and proceeded towards the banquet hall for the welcoming dinner.

low key, loved how he gave Alex a reality check that not everyone likes him. But because Alex is my best friend, I do feel a lil bad. I'm the only one who can be mean to him.

Alex shot me a bored look and whispered, "Not even a handshake! Rude, isn't it? Well, leave that. Good job, Juliet. You saved my life. Now, please be quick and fetch the chaser from the canteen beside my office. We have to start the deal tonight."

I gave him a "what-can-I-do" look for Mr. Adams' rude behaviour and went to get the chaser Alex had asked for, as I had no role in that boring welcoming dinner.

While I was making my way to the lift, I saw a waiter bringing several alcohol beverages. I quickly made my way to get what should be needed in this situation, as I didn't have much time before they all start drinking.
Knocking on the door, I entered without wasting any more time. Inside, I found everyone persuading Mr. Adam to have a drink with them. I swiftly approached their table and stood by Mr. Adam's side, handing him a strip of medicine.

"Mr. Adam, here's your medicine. The doctor said one pill after a meal three times a day. While taking these pills, you can't drink alcohol," I informed him.

He looked at me with a mix of surprise and doubt, but quickly masked it with his usual stone expression. I exchanged a meaningful glance with Alex, our unspoken alliance a testament to years of shared experience and understanding.

Alex stepped in. "Oh! We're extremely sorry, Mr. Adam. We didn't know you were unwell, so we thought of including you in the drinking. Let's proceed with dinner first, and we can discuss matters later. What do you all say, gentlemen?"

The others nodded in agreement, and the dinner commenced. I nodded at Alex and Mr. Adam, signalling my departure to my cabin.

Later that night, I received a call from Alex's assistant, informing me that Mr. Adam wanted to meet me in the lounge room within five minutes.

*mimics* "5 minutes" "you'll be sent to jail if you didnt come in 5 mins" AS IF

 As I entered, I noticed Mr. Adam gazing out at the night view of New York, his posture was rigid, every line of his suit accentuating his well-defined muscles. The fabric hugged his form perfectly, emphasizing the strength beneath. His back muscles were taut, nearly visible through the fabric, suggesting a pent-up energy waiting to be unleashed. A strange aura surrounded him, suffusing the room with an air of stiffness. Tension seemed to radiate from him, palpable even from a distance. Despite his outward composure, there was an underlying sense of unease, as if he were grappling with inner turmoil.

Focus bbg focus.

"Mr. Adam, Mr. Knight has had a bit too much to drink, so he won't be able to escort you. However, I've arranged a car to drop you off safely," I informed him.

He turned around with an icy expression on his face, he asked, "Ms. Rivera, what is your full name? And how did you know about the medicine?"

"My full name is Brianna Rivera, and it was just a coincidence that I had the medicine in my purse," I replied, justifying myself.

He scrutinized me with a serious look, not believing my statement "Ms. Rivera, you've worked in Knight Industries for five years. Do you have any interest in leaving the company?"

Confused by his line of questioning, I wondered what my personal life had to do with—

Interrupted by Mr. Adam's interrogation, "I returned to New York this time to expand the market, so I need an assistant who knows all the companies in here. The position of my secretary is vacant, so I would like you to fill it. State your conditions."

I gave him a quizzical look, wondering why he was interested in my work history and why it mattered—

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Adam's persistence. "I need someone familiar with New York companies. You're an ideal candidate for the position. What are your terms?"


I felt taken aback but stood firm. "Mr. Adam, your actions seem inappropriate, undercutting others' opportunities. I'm not interested in leaving Knight Industries."

I could see irritation and anger flickering in Mr. Adam's eyes. It seemed no one had ever dared to defy his orders before. Well, I wasn't like the others.

flips hair.

He countered, "I can offer you the position of chief secretary with double your current salary and three days off every month."

But I remained resolute, explaining that my loyalty to Knight Industries ran deep. The reason behind for not changing the company is not because of money but because soon after I was graduated, I joined Knight Industries and I have grown up with this company. For me Knight Industries is like my home. I hoped he would understand the sincerity in my words.

His response? A cocky smile and a challenge. "Well, then it's time for you to move on. But don't think for a moment that I've given up."

Did this man not even hear a single word what I just said to him!! Is he nuts?

This made my blood boil with anger. But I would not give him the satisfaction of his success in making me irritated. So, I made a normal expression and opened my mouth to give him my punch line, but before I could reply, he turns and starts walking out and then he stops by the door frame and turns to me.
Once again giving his cocky challenging smile he says " I get what I want Ms. Rivera!"

The audacity-


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Till then see ya my lovely readers..


Words: 1142 

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