Chapter 20: Briana

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"That's going to be you soon!" she declared before leaving me with a playful wink, leaving me utterly dumbfounded. I couldn't shake off the feeling of disbelief as her words echoed in my mind.

"What the hell," I muttered under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief. "That lady needs to get tested mentally—"

"You're late." A voice interrupted from the corner. Standing there against the wall, with his arms crossed and a hint of amusement in his eyes, was Mr. Adam.

Please don't tell me that he heard the weird comment passed by that weird lady.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out, my surprise evident in my tone.

"I'm item #8," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, nice joke, Mr. Adam. Haha," I retorted sarcastically, not in the mood for any of his games.

Despite my scepticism, Mr.Adam remained unfazed, his expression unchanged. With a small smirk, hegestured towards the door. "Shall we?" he asked, his tone now a bitlow, hinting his change in mood.

As we stepped out of the building, a chill breeze swept through the air, causing goosebumps on my skin. I followed Mr. Adam towards the waiting car, my senses on high alert. The chauffeur stood by the passenger door, holding it open for me with a polite nod.

Once I was seated, Mr. Adam took his place behind the wheel, his movements precise and deliberate. As we pulled away from the curb, the city lights fading behind us, a sense of unease settled over me. The sky above was heavy with clouds, hinting at an incoming storm.

We left the bustling streets of New York behind, the car gliding smoothly onto a quieter road that I didn't recognize. My nerves were on edge, and I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension. Glancing over at Mr. Adam, I noticed the gravity of his expression, his hands gripping the steering wheel with an intensity that mirrored my own inner turmoil.

Summoning my courage, I ventured to break the tense silence. "Mr. Adam, where are we going?" My voice was hesitant, betraying my underlying anxiety.

His grip on the wheel tightened more as he kept silent, ignoring my question, which only fuelled my nerves.

What is wrong with him?

"Mr. Adam, I don't want to play any of your games. So, tell me this instant where we are going, because all I see is forest on both sides of us," I demanded, my tone now tinged with anger and firmness.

He finally looked at me, his eyes a darker shade of grey, adding to his intimidating demeanour. "We are going to the bungalow booked by the gala for us tonight," he replied curtly, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.

Suddenly, it started raining, the sound of raindrops on the car roof echoing in the tense atmosphere. As his words registered in my mind, my hands began to shake.

No, please, not now.

I thought to myself, feeling the familiar signs of a panic attack creeping in.

"Stop the car, Mr. Adam," I said firmly, desperation seeping into my voice.

"What?" he exclaimed surprisingly.

"I said, stop the car right now, Mr. Adam," I repeated, determination fuelling my words.

"I will do no such thing, Briana. It's raining outside," he protested, but I was already unlocking my door.

"If you don't stop the car this instant, Ashton, I swear to god that I'm jumping off this car," I declared, my voice trembling with urgency.

He quickly complied, bringing the car to a halt. Before he could say anything else, I bolted outside, needing to escape the suffocating confines of the car. I didn't even care that I was getting soaked by the rain; all I wanted was to find a quiet place to calm my panic attack.

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