Chapter 3: Briana

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Oh my god! Why was there so much traffic today? Gosh, I hope I'm not late.

As I muttered under my breath, I felt the tension building up in my chest, the minutes ticking away relentlessly. Rushing through the bustling streets of New York, my taxi navigated the sea of cars and pedestrians. The stakes were high today, and I couldn't afford to let anything derail my plans.

Okay, Briana, cool down, take deep breaths.





The rhythmic pattern of my breaths served as a lifeline, anchoring me amidst the chaos of the city. With each exhalation, I willed myself to focus, to block out the honking horns and hurried footsteps echoing around me. I'm going to lose my shit because of the traffic.

Good, now I'm good to go. So, let's see what the description file says about Mr. Adams.

With a quick glance at my smartphone, I accessed the dossier on Aston Adam, the enigmatic billionaire whose arrival in New York had sent ripples of anticipation through the business community. The tabloids had already started posting about him, asking question about him and his company. As the general secretary of Mr. Knight, it was my responsibility to ensure that his welcome was nothing short of flawless.

"Aston Adam is a self-made billionaire who founded Adam Industries and Co. at the age of 19. He is the CEO of the company. Adam Industries was listed in Business Week's top 10 best young tech enterprises. He was named in Inc. magazine as the most successful and youngest billionaire. His company is well-known for its share markets, stocks, software development, marketing management, and business development. He is known to be very strict and precise with his company's work. He has graduated from Harvard University and Boston Academy and has won numerous awards till now."

As I absorbed the details of his remarkable journey, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for the man behind the legend. Despite his young age, Aston Adam had achieved more than most could dream of, his relentless ambition propelling him to the upper echelons of success.

After reading this, I was very impressed with how much effort and struggle he has been through. But let's see how he actually is...

With a newfound sense of purpose, I quickened my pace, my anticipation mounting with each step. The airport loomed in the distance, a beacon of possibility amidst the concrete jungle of the city.

Okay, now I should hurry before the CEO arrives.

As I stepped into the bustling terminal of the airport, my eyes immediately sought out Aston Adam amidst the travellers.

There he was, standing tall and imposing in a crisp black Armani suit, his silhouette commanding attention with every confident stride. The silver Rolex watch adorning his wrist glinted under the fluorescent lights, a subtle hint of his status and sophistication.

oohh fancy

Drawing closer, I couldn't help but admire the sculpted contours of his face, illuminated by the soft glow of the terminal. His chiselled jawline, perfectly proportioned nose, and striking grey eyes exuded an air of quiet authority, captivating my attention in an instant. It was as if every feature had been crafted to perfection, leaving me momentarily breathless in his presence.

Well. looks like God took his time in building someone.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself standing before him before I even realized it. As if sensing my proximity, he turned to face me, his gaze meeting mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Holy Moly, how can someone look even more handsome up closely? Momentarily taken aback by the sheer magnetism of his presence.

Summoning my composure, I extended my hand towards him, offering a warm smile as I introduced myself. "Mr. Adam, I am the general secretary of Mr. Knight. My name is Briana. Welcome to New York.'' To my surprise, he kept both hands firmly tucked in his pockets, his expression unreadable as he regarded me with a raised eyebrow. "Miss Briana?"

"President Knight has prepared a banquet for welcoming you. I hope you can attend the banquet sir." I repeated Alex's invitation with raising my right eyebrow exactly like him.

I know I love to play with fire. *shrugs*

Yet, his response was disappointingly dismissive, a bored expression crossing his features as he instructed the driver to take him to the awaiting car.

hmm, not even a handshake, rude much... I take back my compliments for him

Nevertheless, I pushed aside my annoyance, determined not to let his meanie self-dampen my spirits. With a resigned sigh, I fell into step behind him, trailing after him towards the waiting company car.

As we reached the car, the driver promptly opened Mr. Adam's car door, and he slid inside with practiced ease. Meanwhile, I found myself hesitating, uncertain about whether to accompany him or opt for a separate taxi. Lost in my thoughts, I stood by the vehicle, weighing my options. Just as I contemplated my next move, Mr. Adam surprised me by rolling down the car window and addressing me in a clipped tone that caught me off guard. "Miss Briana, are you planning to stand there for the rest of the day, or will you be joining us on the way to the office?"

Jezz thanks for asking me so politely, wish I could just roll the window up with his face still sticking out-

Noo, bad Linda. BAD

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes at his abruptness. I nodded in acknowledgment and settled into the passenger seat of the car, positioned in the front while Mr. Adam was sitting in the back seat.

When I turned my head towards him, I saw him rubbing his forehead with extreme force, his eyes closed. I didn't want to help him after he was so rude to me, but if I also behaved like him, then there would be no difference between me and him. So, being the kind person I am, I took out a pineapple-flavoured candy. Offering it to him, I asked, "Is hypoglycaemia causing motion sickness? I have some candy here."

"How do you know that I have hypoglycaemia?" He looked at me with a mixed expression of doubt and surprise.

"My friend has the same condition as you, so I usually carry these candies with me."

He then diverted his eyes from mine to my hands, still looking a bit confused. When he hesitated to take the candy, I mentioned, "It's Pineapple Flavoured! "

He again looked at me with a surprised expression but quickly covered it with his cold stare and finally took a candy. He surprised me when he said, "Thank you," after taking the candy. I didn't reply; instead, I gave him a polite smile.

so mr meanie does have manners and can be polite

aww he's a "coconut" (rude from outised, soft from inside),  we'll call him "Mr. Coconut" :)


So, how did you find the third chapter...?

Well, do let me know what you think by the comments and if you have any ideas then do suggest ur ideas...


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