Chapter 12: Briana

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I woke up today and got ready, bracing myself for the new day at Adam Industries. On my way to the office, I grabbed a coffee to calm my nerves. Anxiety always accompanies me on big days like this, making it impossible to eat anything. People tend to believe that I'm not scared of anything because of the facade I always keep on. But only I knew the constant storm brewing inside me all the time, my thoughts never give me a break.

Navigating the grand entrance of Adam Industries, I encountered the receptionist—a girl adorned with fake blonde locks, blue contact lenses, and lips plumped with fillers. Her attire, two sizes too small, left little to the imagination, with the top buttons undone in a brazen display.

Is there anything realistic left in her?

Call it judgmental, but analysing people upon first meeting them has become second nature, one can say it's like a defence mechanism I've built for myself.
Ignoring her scrutinizing gaze, I approached, intent on obtaining information about my designated floor.

"How may I assist you?" Her voice, high-pitched and grating, pierced the air, though I refused to show any sign of discomfort.

ofc her voice would be hight pitched.

"I'm Briana Rivera and I'd like to know which floor my office is on," I replied firmly.

She looked me over, about to offer some pointless banter, but I cut her off. "Listen, I don't have all day to wait for your brain to process and give me an answer. And I certainly don't seek attention like you do. So, if you value your job, give me my information before I create a reason to fire you."

Her surprise was evident as she hastily divulged the necessary details, murmuring the floor number under her breath.

Come on bri, you were a bit too rude there

With a curt nod of acknowledgment, I made my way to the elevator, where two men stood waiting. One, with sun-kissed hair and emerald eyes, exuded an aura of ease, while the other, adorned in tattoos and clad in a tailored suit, emanated an air of authority. Stepping into the elevator alongside them, the tension in the confined space was palpable until the blond man addressed me.

"Ah, you must be Briana, am I correct?"

I regarded him with curiosity. "Indeed, but how do you know of me?"

A charming smile graced his lips as he introduced himself. "Noah Castillo, at your service. And this rather stoic fellow beside me is Nikolai Sokolov. We're Ashton's best friends, and I had the pleasure of extending you the invitation to join us at Adam Industries."

So Mr. Adam does have friends. Impressive.

As Noah concluded his introduction, Nikolai offered a nod of acknowledgment, his steely gaze bore into me, his scepticism evident even as he remained silent.

"Thank you so much for having me here" I said with a genuine smile.

Noah flashed a charming smile in response to my gratitude. "Our pleasure, Briana. We've heard great things about you."

Nikolai's expression remained unreadable, his scrutiny making me slightly uneasy.

"We'll see," he muttered cryptically, his voice deep and commanding.

The elevator journey continued in tense silence until we reached Mr. Adam's floor. As the doors slid open, Noah gestured for me to step out first with a gallant flourish. "After you, Briana."

I nodded appreciatively and stepped into the hallway, feeling Nikolai's gaze following me closely. Noah followed suit, we made our way towards Mr. Adam's office, as Noah and Nikolai continued towards Mr. Adam's office, I realized that my cabin was in the opposite direction.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I called after them, offering a wave before heading towards my designated workspace.

As I walked away, I couldn't shake off the feeling of Nikolai's intense scrutiny, his gaze lingering on me even as I disappeared around the corner. With a sigh, I pushed aside my unease and focused on the task ahead.

I need to collect the instruction list and the files from the project room.

As I made my way to the project room, I heard noises or a few people discussing among themselves. I'm not one of the people who eavesdrop but the circumstances got the best out of me, I needed any information I could get to survive in this company with Mr. Adam.

"What's got you all riled up this morning? Did the boss give you a dressing down?" a woman's voice inquired, her tone laced with a hint of mischief.

The man she addressed shot her a withering glare, clearly unimpressed by her probing. "None of your business," he snapped, his irritation palpable.

Undeterred, another woman chimed in with an air of confidence. "Well, I'm ready to take on the challenge. The chief secretary position will be mine," she declared, a self-assured smirk playing on her lips.

A man wearing glasses interjected with a sceptical tone, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You know how Mr. Adam operates. One wrong move, and you're out the door."

His words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room as the gravity of Mr. Adam's reputation settled upon them. The group fell into a tense silence, each one contemplating the precariousness of their positions.

Just then, the man from earlier broke the quietude with an unexpected revelation. "You won't need to fight over the chief secretary role anymore. The company has already brought someone new on board," he announced, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"Who?" demanded everyone at the same time.

At that moment, I entered the office, clad in a professional suit and pencil skirt, while my dark brown hair is tied up in a bun and positioned myself in the centre of the room. With a warm smile, I introduced myself to the astonished group

"Hi everyone, I'm Briana Rivera, the newly appointed chief secretary of Mr. Adam."

As the shock settled in the room, a woman stepped forward, her presence commanding attention as she beckoned me to follow her out into the corridor. "I'll show you around," she said calmly, her voice carrying an air of authority.

"I'm Anna Wintour, the Assistant Director," she introduced herself as we walked, her demeanour composed yet warm. Despite her youthful appearance, it was clear she possessed a wealth of knowledge about the company.

Anna guided me through the corridors, pointing out various departments and offices while imparting valuable insights into the company's rules and regulations. Her explanations were thorough yet easy to understand, and I found myself feeling grateful for her guidance amidst the whirlwind of my new environment. As we walked, Anna seamlessly transitioned into explaining the dynamics of the office environment, offering insights into the personalities of my future colleagues and the unwritten codes of conduct that prevailed within the company.

"It's important to maintain professionalism and respect," Anna advised, her tone gentle yet firm. "Mr. Adam values efficiency and dedication, but he also appreciates teamwork and mutual respect among his employees."

Her words resonated with me, and I made a mental note to heed her advice as I navigated the complexities of my new role.

As our tour concluded, Anna escorted me to my office area,

"This is your office as you've already discovered, you'll be spending most of your time here," Anna informed me as she guided me around the space, pointing out the desk, PC, and other equipment designated for me.

"Thank you, Anna. I appreciate your help," I replied warmly.

"It's alright Briana, all the best with your 1st day." Saying that she left with a warm smile.

As Anna excused herself and left for the president's office corridor, I found myself looking at the closed doors of Mr. Adam's office, determination sparking within me. No matter the challenge, I was resolved to prove myself worthy of this position.

As I got busy with the projects, schedule, and various other tasks, I didn't realise that the lunchtime had arrived. I ventured into the project office, overhearing discussions of a group lunch outing. Before I could inquire further, Ms. Eliza, a woman in the room, interrupted with a pointed cough, signalling Anna to remain silent. It was clear they weren't fully accepting of me as the new chief secretary, but I remained undeterred, determined to win them over with time and effort.

"Could you tell me what time lunch ends?" I interjected, swiftly changing the subject to diffuse any tension in the air.

"At 2 pm," Eliza replied, her smile tight and forced.

I sensed her deception, but opted not to challenge her, instead offering a polite thank you before heading off to grab my lunch.

well, that was an interesting 1st office day.

Alright, they are working together now.
We'll see how it goes.


Words: 1443

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