Chapter 25: Briana

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I wiped my face, wary that a few rebellious tears might have escaped betraying me. Rubbing at the scars beneath the bandages, I wished desperately for them to vanish, as if my touch alone could erase the pain they represented. The skin beneath my fingers turned red from the force of my rubbing.

"Briana?" Anna's voice broke through the fog of my thoughts, a hand gently halting my frantic movements.

Startled, I looked up to meet her concerned gaze, finding Noah's reassuring presence beside her. His hand enveloped mine, offering a comforting anchor amidst the storm raging within me.

"I... I was just lost in my thoughts," I managed to stammer out, my voice trembling with residual tension. But the warmth of Noah's smile and the understanding in Anna's eyes eased some of the tightness in my chest.

"Why don't we go for lunch?" Noah suggested, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

Anna nodded with her usual warm smile as she hugged me and held my hand as I nodded and walked out of the cabin.

Even though, they both knew that something had happened between me and Ashton in the cabin before they came. I was happy, happy for the silent understanding, happy that for once people didn't demand answers from me when I wasn't there in the present, instead just gave me space.

Noah reached out and took my hand, his touch grounding me in the present moment. His playful demeanour was a stark contrast to the heaviness weighing on my heart, but somehow, it was exactly what I needed.

"Hey, I'm also a part of this trio, you know," Noah teased, flashing his trademark grin. "Don't leave me out in the cold."

"Ofc darling, you are a babygirl just like us." Anna pointed out as she winked.

I couldn't help but laugh along with Anna as we made our way down the hallway as Noah grinned. With each step, the tension that had gripped me inside the office seemed to loosen its hold, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

Once we reached the exit, Noah suggested a nearby restaurant that served delicious comfort food, and Anna and I readily agreed. The prospect of good food and even better company lifted my spirits.

Good food. Good Life.

As we reached the restaurant, we grabbed a booth by the window. The restaurant exuded a cozy charm, with soft lighting casting a warm glow over the rustic wooden tables and the gentle hum of people chattering filling the air. It wasn't a very fancy restaurant. It's more on the homely side.

Just like the Diner I used to work in.

A waitress sauntered over to our table; her pen poised expectantly over her notepad as she awaited our orders. Noah, always quick on the draw, flashed her a charming smile before diving right in.

"I'll have the classic burger meal, extra cheese, and a milkshake to wash it down, please," he said with a grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he glanced between Anna and me.

Anna and I shared a knowing look, amused by Noah's playful antics. With a smirk, I chimed in, "Make that a burrito for me, and a coffee mocha to fuel our caffeine fix," earning a nod of agreement from Anna as she followed my queue, "Make that two please, thank you."

The waitress jotted down our orders with a smile, her eyes lingering on Noah for just a moment longer than strictly necessary before she sauntered away.

"You know what we should do?" Noah exclaimed the moment she went away, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"What's your grand idea this time, Noah?" Anna asked as she mimicked Noah's seating style by folding her hands as if she is in a very important business deal.

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