Chapter 23: Briana

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The morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room as I reluctantly peeled myself from the cocoon of my bed. The throbbing ache in my head was relentless as I gingerly examined the bandages on my hand and foot.

Guess the cut was pretty deep yesterday,

I mumbled to myself, wincing at the pain.

With a sigh, I pushed myself out of bed and went through the motions of getting ready for the day ahead. As I brushed my teeth and went through my skincare routine, I sipped on my cold coffee, hoping to dull the headache that refused to relent. The pills weren't an option anymore; I couldn't risk taking more.

Dressing quickly, I opted for comfort over style, choosing a simple outfit that offered ease of movement, a suit and pant. The throbbing pain in my hand and foot served as a constant reminder of my vulnerability, prompting me to tread carefully as I made my way through the morning rituals.

I quickly applied some makeup and tied my hair up into a high ponytail, opting for comfort over my usual bun. The wound on my leg made it impossible to wear my usual high heels, revealing my true height of 5'5, as I slipped on a pair of sandals.

It's not like anyone's going to notice that I'm not wearing heels and that my hair isn't in my usual bun.

Hailing a taxi, I watched the cityscape blur by through the window, the rhythmic hum of the engine a soothing background to my racing thoughts. I took out my laptop as I went through this week's flow of the events and the data sheet about the ongoing projects. There are various companies that are willing to sell their shares to us and I have to sought out the companies that would actually profit our projects and may become a good partner in future deals.

I hardly noticed the passing landmarks until the taxi came to a stop outside the office building. Stepping out onto the bustling sidewalk, I thanked the driver before walking towards the office entrance. The bustling energy of the city, the sounds and sights of the morning rush a stark contrast to the quiet turmoil within as I calmed myself, reminding the fact that I couldn't let my work get affected.

Arriving at the office, I noticed the hushed whispers and exchanged glances among my colleagues, a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. Had I missed something important? I quickly checked my phone, but there were no notifications of any significant events today.

As I stepped into the elevator, joining a few other employees, I overheard snippets of conversation that sent a chill down my spine. "Did you know Mr. Ashton got engaged?" one of them whispered. "His fiancée, Emily, brought breakfast for him today. She's so beautiful, and she's the daughter of Jonsons," another added.

My heart stopped at the news, a sense of betrayal washing over me. Was yesterday just a game to him? The kiss, the shared moment—was it all just a fleeting distraction for him? I felt a surge of anger and hurt, but then I reminded myself that we were never anything more than colleagues. I knew he had changed over the years but experiencing it is worse that reading it in an article.

Yes, I've known about his whereabouts since all these years. Just to protect myself. I have seen articles of him with different models, it did hurt in the start but gradually I grew habitual of it. However, to know that he is with her right after he told me those words yesterday, right after he drove me home, stings a bit.

As they spoke about their relationship, I couldn't bear to listen. The lump in my throat threatened to choke me, but I refused to let my emotions get the better of me. I had to stay strong, to push aside the memories that threatened to overwhelm me.

With resolve in my steps, I made my way to Mr. Adam's office the moment the elevator doors slid open. As I entered without knocking, my heart sank at the sight before me. Emily lounged on the couch almost sitting on Mr Adam's lap in a short bodycon dress that barely reached her mid-thigh, her presence a stark reminder of the life I could never have. Mr. Adam, engrossed in the contract I had prepared, looked up as I entered. His steely grey eyes piercing into mine.

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