Chapter 17: Briana

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I was still in shock about the fact that Mr Adam had messaged about me having my dinner or not. I mean, since day one we haven't really been on "friendly" terms and this sudden change is something, I would've never expected.

I reached my cabin and quickly made my way towards Mr Adam's cabin after putting down my stuff. Last night, he had messaged me to report to him at 7am. As I reached his cabin I knocked thrice and then entered, it was Mr Adam's command that only I can enter after 3 knocks rest all have to hear the "come in" before they can enter.

Entering his office, I found Mr. Adam standing by the glass wall, his back turned to me. The echo of my heels against the floor was the only sound in the room. Without turning around, he issued his instructions.

"Miss Rivera, I have some questions for you. Please, take a seat."

My heart quickened as I complied, settling into the chair facing his back.

"Miss Rivera, I must admit, I was impressed by the work you did at my home. But I find it hard to believe that the arrangement of my sleeping space on the left side of the bed was merely a coincidence... again," he remarked, his tone heavy with accusation and sarcasm.

"I'm pleased to hear you found my efforts satisfactory, sir. As for the left side arrangement, it's a common preference for most people, so I went with that," I replied, attempting to maintain a composed demeanour amidst the tension.

"I see. An article study," he countered with a wry smile, his scepticism evident.

"And how did you come to know about my habit of reading astronomical magazines before bed?" he pressed further, his gaze unwavering.

"I happened to notice some books on your desk a few days ago, so I made a mental note," I explained, hoping my response would satisfy his inquiry.

Mr. Adam fell silent, the weight of his scrutiny palpable in the air.

Suddenly, with a few long strides, Mr. Adam was towering before me, his presence overwhelming as he leaned in, his hands finding purchase on the chair handles, trapping me in place. I was rendered speechless, unable to tear my gaze away from his penetrating grey eyes.

His warm breath ghosted over my face as he spoke, his tone heavy with authority and an underlying intensity that left me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"What do you think of yourself, Briana?" His voice was low and dangerous, causing goosebumps to appear all over my body. His proximity was unnerving, his nose almost touching my cheek as his hands remained firmly on the chair handles, dangerously close to my waist.

"You come crashing into my life, knowing every damn thing about me, things even my personal assistant doesn't know," he accused, his words cutting through the air like a knife.

I could only shake my head in response, too stunned to form a coherent sentence.

"Do you realize what you've gotten yourself into, Briana?" he continued, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with mine.

Again, I could only manage a slight shake of my head, fear and an unfamiliar emotion gripping me tightly.

"You've walked right into a hunt," he declared, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"And I'm the hunter, while you..." His hand rose to brush a stray strand of hair from my face, sending a shiver down my spine. "You're the prey."

My heart seemed to stop in my chest, terror coursing through my veins as his words sank in, his threat hanging heavy in the air.

He chuckled darkly, his touch sending a shiver down my spine as he leaned in closer, his voice a mere whisper against my ear.
"And you know the best part, Briana? Once I catch you, I'll unearth every secret you've been hiding, and no one, not even God, will be able to save you."

As Mr. Adam's words hung heavy in the air, a tense silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of our shallow breaths. The weight of his threat lingered, casting a dark shadow over the otherwise serene atmosphere.

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