Chapter 8: Briana

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It was another typical day at the office, the routine of meetings and discussions stretching out endlessly before me, with Alex, Mr Adam and a few other company representatives. Apparently, we had to discuss something about the contract validity and terms and conditions.

As Alex delved into the details of the contract, I sensed Mr. Adam's eyes boring into me. Caught off guard, I looked up to find him staring directly at me, his gaze unwavering, as if challenging me in breaking the eyes contact.

Istg this man needs help.

His impeccably tailored blue suit accentuated his commanding presence, every inch of fabric hugging his form with precision. As he listened and conveyed with others, his smirk conveyed a sense of confidence that left no room for doubt.

But then, to my horror, I noticed something else in his expression—a knowing smirk that seemed to suggest he had caught me in the act. Heat flooded my cheeks as I realized my mistake. Had I been openly checking him out? And worse yet, had he noticed? The realization sent a wave of embarrassment coursing through me, and I quickly averted my gaze, hoping beyond hope that he hadn't seen.

Oh god Bri, how can you check him out and get caught-

My embarrassment was cut short when Mr. Adam interrupted Alex's speech with a bold declaration. "Mr. Knight, I have a new suggestion," he announced, prompting Alex to encourage him to continue while I quickly retrieved my iPad to take notes.

He then continued, "I want to acquire Knight Industries."

Alex's shock was palpable, and I felt a surge of disbelief that threatened to topple me from my chair.

Was this person serious? Had he lost his mind?

I observed his manager lean towards him, whispering a protest that this wasn't part of their plan. Yet Mr. Adam silenced him with a simple gesture, fixing his gaze on Alex in anticipation of a response.

Alex, taken aback, surveyed the room before meeting my eyes. "Mr. Adam, are you kidding me?" he asked incredulously, a hint of laughter in his tone.

Mr. Adam's face remained emotionless as he responded, his tone firm and unwavering. "Do I look like a person who jokes? That too in the middle of a crucial meeting."

In my opinion you look like a person who'll take a bullet rather than cracking a joke.

Before Alex could speak, Mr. Adam continued in a commanding voice, "Name your price." His words hung heavy in the air, demanding a response from Alex without room for negotiation.

Alex was trying his best to control his irritation, and replied in an assuring tone "Mr. Adam, although Knight Industries is not good as Adam Industries, it is also a promising company. And-"

"200 million" Mr. Adam said, interrupted Alex's explaining.

Alex's expression remained unchanged; his resolve unwavering. "That's not just a matter of money," he stressed. "Our employees choose our company for job security and trust-

"Salaries of all employees will rise by 20%," Ashton declared, further disrupting Alex's argument.

After hearing this, I shook my head lightly knowing that this was the last straw for convincing Alex. And I far as I know Alex, he will accept this offer.
However, true to his character, he persisted in advocating for his employees, his demeanour tinged with a hint of sadness.

Mr Adam's smirk only seemed to grow as he upped the ante, adding to the pressure of the negotiation. "I allow you to keep 20% of the shares and keep operating the Knight Industries by yourself." He raised both his eyebrows along with showing his signature smirk.

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