Chapter 10: Briana

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Mr. Adam's smirk was like a sharp jab to my core, and I bit back the retort that threatened to spill from my lips. It stung to see Alex siding with him, but I refused to let it show. Afterall, we can't always let our friendship come in between our work.

As we made our way down the corridor, every step felt like a silent battle of wills. I couldn't shake the feeling that Mr. Adam was toying with me, relishing in my discomfort. I could see that he found joy in infuriating me.

When he finally broke the silence with his deep voice tinged with an Italian accent saying, "Do you have anything to say?"

I seized the opportunity to confront him. The question had been burning inside me, gnawing at my insides until I couldn't ignore it any longer. "Mr. Adam. Why did you suddenly buy the Knight Industries?"

"Don't you know the answer already? I thought you were smart enough to understand on your own!" His response dripped with sarcasm, hitting a nerve I didn't know I had.

Did he really think he could dismiss me so easily?

Anger bubbled beneath the surface, but I forced myself to remain composed.

"I'm not playing your games, Mr. Adam," I shot back, my voice laced with thinly veiled frustration. "Why don't you just tell me the truth for once?"

He came to an abrupt halt, his gaze locking onto mine, freezing me in place. A smirk played at the corners of his lips, hinting at the elusive answers I sought.

"Do I seem like someone who enjoys games, Miss Rivera?" he asked, his voice laced with intrigue.

Before I could formulate a response, he pressed on, his tone betraying the emotions his eyes held, something I can't pin point, "I'm doing this for you," he confessed, catching me off guard.

His admission left me speechless, a rush of questions flooding my mind. "Why?" I managed to utter, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm curious," he replied, his eyes holding mine with unwavering intensity.

"What are you curious about, Mr. Adam?" I countered, meeting his piercing gaze head-on, unable to hide the turmoil within.

"How did you come to know about my Hypoglycaemia?" he questioned, his insistence leaving no room for lies.

I paused, grappling with his directness before offering a tentative response. "I'm only speculating," I began, choosing my words carefully. "Given your stature as a customer and partner, it's within my work ethics to consider your well-being."

He didn't buy into my explanation, giving me a sceptical glare that spoke volumes.

"Do you honestly believe I'd buy that?" he retorted, his tone dripping with disbelief. "Then explain how you knew about my fondness for pineapple candy."

"I didn't," I insisted, my voice barely above a whisper as I met his penetrating gaze. "It's merely a coincidence that I share your preference."

As I looked up at him, a strange flicker passed through his eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. His movements were deliberate as he closed the distance between us, each step forward forcing me to retreat until I was cornered against the wall.

Silence hung heavy in the air, tension crackling between us. I lifted my head to meet his gaze, inadvertently inviting the storm that brewed within him.

Bad move Bri, you just ate the only distance that was left between you and him.

A faint smirk danced on his lips; his grey eyes boring into mine with an intensity that left me breathless. "So, it's all just coincidence, is it?" he mused, his voice a low murmur that made my brain stop processing things.

"You knew I don't drink, that I favour rosemary fragrance... Tell me, Miss Rivera, how many more 'coincidences' are there?"

With each step he took, I felt the heat of his presence enveloping me, his minty breath sending a shiver down my spine. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear as he whispered, his voice tinged with a husky edge, "So, was it merely another coincidence when I discovered you changed your shampoo after yesterday's encounter?" His words rang warning bells in my mind, and I could feel the heat of his presence engulfing me.

My voice caught in my throat as I struggled to form a coherent response. "What... what are you trying to imply?" I managed to choke out, my voice betraying my inner turmoil.

His smirk widened, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he leaned back slightly, still close enough that I could feel his presence lingering. "Oh, Miss Rivera," he murmured, his voice low and almost teasing, "you know exactly what I'm asking."

I clenched my fists, trying to maintain my composure as his words stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me. "I don't..." I began, but my voice trailed off, lost in the intensity of his gaze. I struggled to maintain my composure, feeling the weight of his curiosity pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

Why is he doing this to me?

Frustration bubbling beneath the surface as I grappled with his relentless probing. With a deep breath, I mustered the strength to meet his gaze head-on, my voice tinged with defiance as I repeated my earlier response.

"Mr. Adam, I have already answered this question before and I would repeat it again that, no we haven't met before."

Despite my attempt to stand firm, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that lingered in the air, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

His reaction was swift, his jaw clenching with visible anger as he struggled to contain his emotions. His knuckles turned white as he balled his fists, a silent testament to the intensity of his frustration.

"Besides if we truly knew each other before, how could you forget about it?" I challenged, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips as I dared him to push further.

But instead of escalating the tension, he surprised me with a dark chuckle, his demeanour shifting in an instant. "I will know it sooner or later," he remarked cryptically, with a subtle tilt of his head, he pulled away, the smirk still playing on his lips, his eyes locking onto mine as if promising me something.

Before he turned away, his voice cut through the tension with a command, "Register in the president's office tomorrow, Miss Rivera. Or should I say, Ms. Chief Secretary."

His words hung in the air, lingering like a promise or a warning, before he strode off with purposeful strides, leaving me standing there, breathless, and uncertain. As he walked away, his words echoed in my mind, leaving me grappling with the unsettling truth they carried.


So, pretty long chapter ig?
Anyways, do vote as you read and do leave your reviews or suggestions or your theories. It would encourage me and make me feel happy about my writing. 


Words: 1133

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