Chapter 19: Briana

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As we drove through the bustling streets of New York, the atmosphere inside the car was thick with tension. The hum of the engine provided a steady backdrop to the silence between us, broken only by the occasional honk of a horn or the distant sound of sirens.

I stole a glance at Mr. Adam, who seemed lost in thought, his hands steady on the wheel and his gaze fixed straight ahead. His jaw was clenched, the muscles tense beneath the surface, hinting at the turmoil within.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind. What was it about tonight's gala that had him so on edge? And why had he chosen to bring me along as his plus one? I mean, there are tons of girls dying to go with him.

Lost in my own thoughts, I barely noticed when we arrived at our destination. The grand facade of the gala venue loomed before us, the flashing lights and red carpet signalling the start of what promised to be an extravagant evening.

Mr. Adam pulled the car to a stop, his expression unreadable as he turned to me. "We're here," he said simply, his voice tight with tension.

I nodded, feeling a surge of nerves as I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car. The cool night air washed over me, sending a shiver down my spine as I followed Mr. Adam towards the entrance. The noise and chatter of the gala enveloped us, a group of voices mingling with the soft strains of music.

Suddenly, I felt Mr. Adam's hand placed on the small of my back, and I instantly froze at the unexpected contact. His warm hand pressed against the exposed skin just above my dress's low back, sending a wave of goosebumps through me. I didn't realize I had stopped walking until Mr. Adam leaned in, his voice low and commanding.

"Listen to me carefully, Briana," he began, his words cutting through the noise of the crowd. "There will be a lot of important people here tonight, and I'll be mostly occupied with my associates. Do not leave my side throughout the evening. If I happen to be engaged elsewhere, stay with Niko or Noah. Understood?"

The noise and chatter of the gala faded back in as Mr Adam completed speaking his "rules". I turned towards him with irritation in my eyes about the fact that he thinks I'm a baby who needs to be with an adult to be safe and when I turn, I see that he's already looking at me with his "Dont speak bullshit to me eyes".

A smirk slowly crept onto my lips, masking the irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "Or what, Mr. Adam?" I challenged; my voice laced with a hint of defiance. "What if I don't follow your rules? Are you going to punish me?"

His eyes darkened suddenly, a dangerous glint flashing in their depths as he leaned in closer, his voice low and full of promise. "That can be arranged, Briana," he murmured, his words sending a shiver down my spine. "And we'll be going all night long with your punishment. Don't tempt me, love. I enjoy giving punishments that'll only end when I want."


A flush spread across my cheeks at the underlying meaning in his words, my heart racing at the implications of his threat. As much as I wanted to maintain my composure, I couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through me at the thought of what Mr. Adam had in store. With a shaky breath, I held his gaze, a silent challenge lingering between us as the tension crackled in the air.

"OH MY GOD LOVE, IS THAT REALLY YOU BRIANA?" we both jolted back as Noah's voice pierced through the tension between Mr. Adam and me, I felt a surge of relief wash over me. I subtly tried to pull away from Mr. Adam's grip, but his hold on my lower back remained firm, anchoring me in place.

Noah was wearing a royal blue Tuxedo while Nikolai was wearing a black and grey Tuxedo. Both their tuxedos complimented their eyes making them appear more handsome and powerful.

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