Chapter 18: Briana

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As I stepped into the comfort of my apartment, my anxiety was at it's peak. I don't think my anxiety could go any higher. The thought of attending a gala was enough to send me into a spiral of apprehension.

I've never been one for fancy or glitzy gatherings. Give me a cozy night in with Netflix and a bowl of popcorn any day. The thought of mingling with high society types and navigating the complexities of social etiquette filled me with dread.

I've always been comfortable in my own skin, indifferent to the opinions of others. But put me in a room full of scrutinizing eyes, and suddenly I'm plagued by self-doubt. I know I'll be under the microscope all evening, especially as Mr. Adam's plus one.

It's okay Bri

The doorbell rang just as I finished freshening up, and I hurried to answer it, my heart racing with anticipation. To my surprise, a chauffeur stood at the door, holding a large box adorned with an elegant ribbon. With a polite nod, he handed it to me before leaving as I gave him a grateful smile.

Curiosity piqued, I eagerly open the box, revealing the most exquisite bodycon gown I had ever laid eyes on. It was sleek and black, hugging my curves in all the right places and exuding an air of sophistication and glamour. The fabric was soft to the touch, with minute detailing that spoke of impeccable craftsmanship. Alongside the gown lay a pair of sleek black heels, their elegant design complementing the gown perfectly.

I couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight before me, my fingers trembling with excitement as I carefully lifted the gown from its packaging. It was a work of art, and surprisingly it was exactly my size.

My phone alarm rang signalling me that I had only a few hours left to get ready. I made my way to my bedroom, the gown clutched tightly in my arms. As I slipped into the dress, it enveloped me like a second skin, the fabric flowing gracefully around me and accentuating every curve.
With the gown in place, I turned my attention to my makeup, opting for a subtle yet sophisticated look that would complement the elegance of the gown. Soft, neutral tones adorned my eyes, while a hint of rosy blush and a nude lip completed the ensemble. I brushed my hair into loose waves, allowing it to cascade down my shoulders in gentle waves.

Just as I finished applying my cherry perfume, the doorbell rang, startling me out of my thoughts. Glancing at the clock, I realized with a jolt that it was already 6 pm. Hastily grabbing my small purse, containing only the essentials – lip gloss, concealer, pocket perfume, phone, and mints – I made my way towards the door, my heart pounding with anticipation.

As I opened the door, there stood Mr. Adam, dressed in a black suit that seemed to have been tailor-made for him, emphasizing every contour of his athletic frame and making his broad shoulders appear broder if possible. His hair was styled, each strand perfectly in place, and his grey eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as they roamed over my appearance.

For a moment, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him, mesmerized by the sheer magnetism of his presence. It wasn't until I noticed his eyes lingering on my dress that I snapped out of my trance, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I became acutely aware of the way my dress hugged my curves, the plunging neckline accentuating my assets just so.

"Good evening, Miss Rivera," Mr. Adam said, his voice smooth and velvety, sending a shiver down my spine. "You look... stunning."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at his compliment, my heart fluttering in my chest. Gathering my composure, I managed to stammer out a reply. "Th-thank you, Mr. Adam. You look quite dashing yourself," I said, mentally cursing myself for the sudden inability to form coherent sentences.

His gaze lingered on me, something animalistic passing through his eyes as they bore into mine. A shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension.

What was he thinking?

But then, to my surprise, Mr. Adam extended his arm towards me, his expression softening ever so slightly. "Shall we?" he asked, his tone gentle yet commanding.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, slipping my arm through his as we stepped out into the corridor. The tension between us was thick enough to cut with a knife. I found myself biting my inner cheek and lip out of habit, the nerves getting the best of me, when suddenly Mr. Adam's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Don't do that," he said, his tone low and commanding.

I looked at him, confused by his sudden statement. "Don't bite your inner cheek and your lips," he clarified, his words accompanied by a muttered under breath remark that I couldn't quite catch.

Deviliciously Handsome weirdo
shut up.

As the lift doors opened, signalling the ground floor, we made our way to Mr. Adam's car. He held my hand firmly as we walked, a gesture that sent a strange jolt of electricity through me. His car, a sleek black Lamborghini, gleamed under the dim lights of the parking garage. I couldn't help but feel a pang of surprise when he opened the passenger door for me, a small "thank you" escaping my lips as I stepped inside.

Once seated, I watched as Mr. Adam moved around to the driver's seat, his movements confident. Before starting the car, he leaned towards me, his face barely an inch away from mine. My heart skipped a beat as his intense gaze bore into mine, sending my pulse racing.

Suddenly, his hand reached for my seatbelt, surprising me as he deftly attached it, his fingers brushing against my skin. Then, he proceeded to fasten his own seatbelt with the same efficient motion. I blinked, momentarily stunned by his proximity and his unexpected actions.

you wanted something bri?
shut up.

"You could've told me, I would've done it myself," I muttered, more to myself than to him.

"Did you say anything, Briana?" he asked, his eyebrow raised inquisitively as he started the car.

"Huh, no sir," I replied quickly, feeling flustered as I turned to look out of the window, the passing lights a welcome distraction from the intensity of the moment.


Huh mood swings, both of them have mood swings. Weirdos.

Anyways, here's how I imagined Bri in the gala

Anyways, here's how I imagined Bri in the gala

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Don't go on the edit, I'm shit at it

(Ps: The Last chapter of Ashton was 21340 words 💀👍🏻)

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