Chapter 26: Ashton

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Sitting in my office, I found myself contending with a whirlwind of emotions after witnessing Briana's unexpected outburst. The scene replayed in my mind; each detail etched vividly as if burned into my memory.

I couldn't ignore the shock that coursed through me as Briana's fist made contact with Emily's nose. I'm pretty sure that everyone present in the cabin heard the crack. It was as if time stood still for a moment, the air thick with tension as the realization of what had just occurred sank in. Briana's own expression mirrored everyone's disbelief, her hands trembling with a mix of adrenaline and uncertainty.

I couldn't help but tilt my head to the side, as if hoping for a clearer view of the situation. I wanted to understand what had prompted such a drastic reaction from someone who had always exuded calm and composure.

But as Briana was swiftly ushered out of my office by Noah, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. Her nervous habit of biting her inner cheek betrayed her inner turmoil, and I found myself fixated on the subtle tremble of her hands.

As Noah guided her away, I couldn't help but notice the fleeting moment when her eyes met mine. In that brief exchange, I saw a flicker of fear, as if she had realized that she couldn't hide from me. And in that moment, I made a silent vow to unravel the mystery that surrounded Briana, determined to uncover the truth behind her uncharacteristic outburst.

A few minutes passed by as the office caught onto the scene and gathered around my cabin, gasping and chattering while Emily continued to cry hysterically. But I couldn't give two fucks about her, the only thing in my mind was Briana.

Why was her hand covered in bandage.
Did she bandage her wound that she just got

My mind whirled with questions as I made my way to Noah's cabin, each step fuelled by a relentless curiosity to understand the woman who had managed to surprise me. Standing before the door, I found myself peering through the small glass partition, my gaze fixed on Briana's figure.

There she was, seated frozen in Noah's chair, her posture rigid and tense, like a statue carved from marble. Noah knelt beside her, his focused attention on cleaning her wound with practiced care. The scene before me was a stark contrast to the poised and composed Briana I had grown accustomed to seeing.

"Briana, what's the bandage about?" Noah asks her gently.

One might think that this was a normal question and she could've just said that she fell down or got hurt. But Briana turned pale, she stilled as if she had just been caught. I could see her fumbling to speak,

"Noah, I can take it from here. Please handle the chaos outside for me." Approaching the door to Noah's cabin, I pushed it open with a determined stride, my gaze locked on Briana's figure as I entered.

I knew Briana was scared of me because of my determination of finding out her secrets, not the ones about me. But the once about her.

The moment Noah stepped out after giving me the death glare, I made my way towards her and I could sense her fear growing as I came closer. What confirmed my suspicion more was the fact that she snatched her hands from me when I tried to bandage her hands.

And so, I do the thing I've been itching to do since the moment in the cabin. I take her hands and pull up the sleeves that covered her arms and what I see makes me pause, her right-hand wrist had scars on them. Scars that didn't get there by a simple causality. They were there one after another in lines, short enough to go unnoticed.

But that's not what made me froze, it was the fact that when I saw her other wrist, they were covered with the exact same scars. One below another. It might not be visible from afar because it was expertly covered by makeup. I rub the makeup away gently with my thumb and as I looked up to her, she was hiding her face away from me. Hiding. That's what she always does.

What makes my blood boil is the fact that she has the audacity to even lie about it when I ask her and instead of giving answers, she drops the statement "It's none of my business.'

A red-hot rage takes hold of me at the view of her in that position.
The pieces of the puzzle all fall into place now.

Now, I know why she always wears her coats. Why she indulges herself in work so much. Why she barely has friends here.

It's because she doesn't want people to ask her questions about herself.

She doesn't even see herself.
Not like I do.

And so, in that moment I made her a promise. Promise that I'll unravel everything about her, there's no way in fuck I'm going to let her be invisible to her own self.

Not even if that costs me in the long run.

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