Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 5 - X-18)

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A/N: Part 6 is literally gonna be out either later tonight, or tomorrow. It was originally all going to be part 5, but it surpassed 10,000 words, so I split it in half. I feel like this chapter and chapter 6 are slow burning smut.


Saturday night came around fast, and it was a relief that Brian didn't seem to be the least bit uncomfortable with the events of Thursday night. He talked to you on Friday just like he said he would, and the two of you carried on like you usually did, and there wasn't much mention of what had happened; in some ways you were glad for it, but in other ways it left you absolutely yearning for him to say something about it, and all of that in hopes of him saying something about doing it again.

When Saturday night came, you were sitting in the club dressing room with Sarah, putting on your outfits for the night and doing your makeup - having to explain the whole ordeal from Thursday to her.

"The phone wasn't on mute?!" Sarah howled, stomping her heels on the ground next to you as she laughed. "Girl, NO."

"No, I must've hit it twice, and he heard EVERYTHING," you laughed, covering your freshly made up face with your hand, reliving the embarassment. "I wanted to fucking die."

"What did he say?!" She asked, looking at you through the vanity mirror.

"Oh, bitch," you started, looking back up at her. "After I fucking came, I just sat there, right? I figured, okay cool, I just need a second, then I'll unmute him-"

"And he wasn't on mute," she reminded you.

"Yes, obviously... So, then he just says, 'Did you cum yet, or was that the sound of you drowning?'" You dropped your head to you hand again. "Not only that, but when I admitted to it." You raised your head up and looked directly over to her. "He said that was why he called."

Sarah's jaw dropped a little as she looked over at you. "So, he called for phone sex?"

"I don't think he was doing anything." You shook your head. "He said he could tell I wasn't just acting when we filmed."

"Pfft, he probably was," she scoffed.

"Well, if he did, he didn't tell me," you said, shrugging. "But if he was, I wish he would've said something."

"What do you think is gonna happen when you go to his place tonight?" She gave you a coy expression.

You blushed a little at the thought, shrugging one of your shoulders as you turned back to the mirror, dabbing setting powder over your face. "I'm just gonna have fun with whatever happens - like you told me to do. I'm not going in with any expectations."

"What is this - you taking my advice?" She eyed you.

"I guess I am." You smirked at her through the mirror. "So, did you and Chris have that talk?"

She looked at you silently for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, we're gonna try to work on things. He's finally started job hunting, and I think it might workout, who knows."

"That's great, Sarah," you said simply, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, turning your head down to your makeup. "Can't say I'm not gonna miss this, though."

"I know, but you know this wasn't‐"

"I know," you said, turning to her. "I know it wasn't a relationship." You gestured between the two of you. "I just want you to be happy, like, genuinely happy. You're my best friend."

"And you're my best friend. Believe me, I'm not putting up with any bullshit this time," she said seriously, her eyes looking into yours. "Besides," she started, leaning over to nudge your shoulder with hers. "I think you're about to have your plate full with Brian."

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now