Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 4 - X-18)

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Hours had passed since you had arrived back at your apartment, and you were doing virtually anything to keep your mind occupied and off of what had happened back at Brian's apartment. You spent a good chunk of that day cleaning up and listening to music that you wanted to perform to this week, and mentally mapped out dances and routines for each song - even taking small breaks here and there to go to the pole you had set up in your spare bedroom to practice new moves you thought of.

Once you had the apartment virtually spotless and had yourself good and sore from pretending that you were some professional choreographer, you still needed your mind to be focused on something other than the feeling of Brian's mouth and hands on you. Somehow, that led you down the rabbit hole of looking at possible online college courses you could take, purely for the hell of it. That'd never actually happen, though - you brought home more money in one night than what any job with a degree could give you. It really would have been stupid on your part, besides, you genuinely loved being a stripper.


At around 8pm, you were finally able to calm yourself down enough to let yourself relax in your bathtub. You had also calmed yourself enough to finally call Sarah so you could give her those details that she wanted. So, you were currently laid back in the steaming hot water, with nothing lighting up the bathroom now but the glow from the hallway light. Your phone as it laid on the side of the tub, with Sarah on speaker.

"Okay, so, you get there AND?" Sarah said, not wanting to wait for you to draw the story out.

"Well, obviously he looked hot. He also had quite the collection of silicone body parts," you said.

The line was silent for a moment before you finally heard her laugh. "What, like... Sex toys?"

"No," you laughed back, clamping your hand over your mouth. "Just regular body parts."

"Well," she started with a sigh. "That's a little odd."

"He's very eccentric," you corrected her, biting into your lip. "I don't think we have to put him in the Jeffrey Dahmer category just yet... Who cares, though? He's hot."

"Girl, you are crazy," she scoffed amusingly, sighing at the end of her sentence. It wasn't the first time she had heard you thirst over someone who was potentially insane, though that usually involved women.

"I can't help it, dude. He turns me on," you admitted with a groan. "And he's even hotter in drag."

"He is hot, so I get it," she admitted through a chuckle.

"Exactly," you said with a sigh, letting yourself sink down further into the tub. "Do you think I'm out of my league with this one?"

You could hear her hum on the other line for a moment before answering. "Can't really tell you that - I mean, he obviously likes you in some sort of way, whether that's just friend-wise or more, maybe you'll find out."

"The not knowing is what's driving me crazy, Sarah. It's not like I can just come out and ask him - not that I would anyway. I know boundaries... But, Jesus, he had his mouth on me and his hands, and I just- Ugh."

"Are you having fun with him?" She asked a little more sympathetically.

"Yes," you answered, no sign of hesitation in your tone.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now