Public (Brian M./Katya × Reader - X-18)

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A/N: This was a request, but I can't remember who requested public sex - sorry.

I still have a bunch of requests to write, but all I do lately is work, sleep, and eat hot chip. Requests and roleplays still open, though. I honestly have more time to roleplay than to sit down and write whole stories, and I kind of prefer it at this point tbh. 18+

Contains: Public teasing, public sex, breeding kink, degradation, Daddy kink, dirty talk.


It was a well known fact that Brian and you weren't the most outgoing when it came to actually going out places and mingling with other real-life humans, especially if neither of you were doing it for work. Most of the time, you were homebodies - Brian being even more of a homebody than you were. Although, the mood did strike you to go out on ocassion. But, Brian, on the other hand, was perfectly happy locking himself in the apartment and spending his days bingewatching all those eccentric movies that he loved, making outfits, screeching out song lyrics and random quotes that he had learned from only God knows where, and bombarding his social media with posts that became more bizarre as the days went on.

Just more reasons to love him, honestly.

Whenever you did want to go out, you practically had to pry him from whatever surface of the apartment that he might be glued to. It wasn't often that you had to make him go out, nor did you force him if he truly didn't want to go. You always took into consideration how he was feeling mentally and where his head might be in regards to his past addictive nature. There were days when he had cravings, and he'd be very blunt in telling you that it was "one of those days" where he felt like finding a dealer and letting himself have a slip-up, and you were grateful for his honesty. On those types of days, you were the one that was glued to the apartment, and you refused to leave his side.

Thankfully, days like those were far and few in-between. He was in a much healthier place nowadays.

But, if there was one person that could manage to coax the both of you out of the apartment - even if that coaxing meant begging shamelessly at times - was Trixie. But, in actuality, the begging was done by you this time, because Trixie had wanted you and Brian to accompany her out to dinner as somewhat of a celebration over how well Katya's Red Scare collaboration with her for Trixie Cosmetics had done.

Brian, of course, was just as happy staying home and ordering from Panda Express as his act of celebration, but you wouldn't go along with that. This was definitely a cause for an outing. You had been so proud of him and how well Red Scare had done, and even though he acted non-chalant about it, you knew that Brian was proud of himself as well.


So, that's how you ended up sitting in a booth with both Trixie and Brian at a Japanese restaurant on a Saturday night.

Brian and Trixie were currently in the midst of recanting how fun the promo shoot for the collab was. It was bittersweet for you to hear about it, because you had wanted to go to the shoot to support Brian, but due to Covid guidelines and your body having the worst timing thae day of the shoot had happened, you had been stuck at home. Regardless of that, you were happy that Brian and Trix' had that experience together, though.

You did feel a tinge of excitement when they started throwing around the ideas of doing a another collab, and that's when you really honed in on the conversation.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now