Inception (Katya × Reader - X-18)

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A/N: Just as I thought.. TRASH! Happy Valentine's day, Barbara. I hope you get your ass ate by your crush today ♡


You walked up the staircase to your apartment, exhausted. The walk seemed a mile long as your feet ached from being on them all day at work. And to make things just a little more sucky, Katya was set for a gig tonight at Vain. But you already knew you didn't have much room to complain, you knew what you were signing up for when you started dating a drag queen, and it was well worth it if it meant getting to be with her. Although, you could do without the craziness of the fans sometimes.

When you finally got through the door of your apartment, you stepped inside to see some of the lights inside were still on. It caught you completely off guard when you were met by Katya in full drag, lifting herself off the couch as she pranced towards you in a voluminous, curly blonde wig, and one of her favorite mini dresses with a dead Laura Palmer on it. She looked breathtaking, as she always did, no matter what she wore.

Her obsession with Twin Peaks and Contact was actually really cute, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about either never failed to melt your heart just a little

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Her obsession with Twin Peaks and Contact was actually really cute, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about either never failed to melt your heart just a little... Okay, a lot.

You blinked at her, confused, "What are you doing home?"

"I'm sorry, mother. But I can't stay at the orphanage any longer, the beatings are aren't as violent compared to yours," her voice cracked into Maureen's.

You smiled, shaking your head, "I knew you'd come back, they always do. Now, actual details." You walked to the kitchen counter to set your keys down.

She shrugged, "My gig was cancelled, Barbara."

You jerked your head back to her direction with sympathic eyes, "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. Why?"

"They gave me the wrong schedule. Pearl was booked for tonight."

"How does that shit even happen," you raised an eyebrow, "I mean, will she be able to stay awake during her performance?"

Katya smiled wide, "Mother, you're being shady, agaaain."


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Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now