Plaything (Boulet Brothers/Dahli × Reader - Part 1)

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A/N: This is short, and I might write more parts for this, who knows. It's an idea I've been toying around with. Enjoy, or whatever.


"Jesus fucking Christ," You breathed.

Your hand was visibly shaking as you leaned into the large vanity mirror in the dressing room to power your face.

"Were you this nervous when you started?"

Xochi rolled her eyes as she stood next to you, gluing down rhinestones to her face.

"Are you serious? Of course I was."

You were still a baby Bio Queen who had only been actively doing drag for a year. You had landed a few small gigs here and there at local clubs, and you were lucky enough to befriend a few queens who were better known in the scene than you were.

Xochi Mochi had been one of those queens, and she had been a competitor on Dragula; a drag competition that aired on YouTube that you much preferred over Drag Race these days – for various reasons.

Xochi and you had somewhat of the same aesthetic when it came to drag; it was all about shock value, art, horror, and rebellion. So, it wasn't a surprise that the two of you hit it off. She helped you increase the number of gigs that you got, and the two of you worked the same clubs, so seeing each other was part of a regular work day – even moreso when you add in the fact that the two of you now shared an apartment with another Dragula alumni, Dahli.

When Xochi was offered a spot to work the Queen Kong show that was hosted by the Boulet Brothers, she jumped on the chance – but not before she convinced the Boulets to let you attend one night as a performer.

It was a silly request, and the two of you thought nothing about it, assuming that the stone-faced beauties would have told you, "Fuck no." But much to the surprise of the both of you, the Boulets had agreed to let you perform for one night. But, of course, this was only after they checked out your social media to see exactly what you had to offer when it came to makeup and performance.

Surprisingly, they deemed you worthy enough to perform atleast once, and how well you did during that would be the determining factor on whether or not you received the chance to perform on their stage again. They were always looking for fresh talent, and you were intent on showing them that you were worthy of a permanent spot. Because, if you managed to do that, your career could possibly be secured very early on.

"I literally can't fuck this up Xo'. Tonight could change my career," you said, swallowing down the lump in your throat.

The heaviness of the words seemed to really hit you when you said it out loud. It was the truth – tonight could either make you, or break you in the drag community.

Xochi smiled. "You're gonna do fine, bitch. You're talented and you're fucking insane. You're right up the Boulets' alley."

You nodded, doing your best to calm yourself and take her words to heart.

You chewed your lip as you turned to her as a very valid, albeit, stupid question came into your mind – one you already know the answer to.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now