Fool For You (Trixie/Brian F. × Reader - Part 1)

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Category is: Angst

A/N: I'm editing this while drunk, so it's really no different than my usual writing.


Brian had been on a lengthy US tour, and it had been well over 2 months since you had seen him last; but today was the day that he was finally scheduled to come home. You hadn't gotten much sleep last night, because you were so excited with the anticipation of him coming home. You were thankful that the two of you were still able to keep in you through calls and text whenever he answered, but none of it compared to having him here with you physically, and his apartment had become far too lonely.

You sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs of the airport, waiting anxiously for Brian to make his arrival back. He was due any minute, and you could feel your heart rate increase with each passing moment. You had stayed up the majority of the night getting the apartment spotless, and also doing your best to figure out what you were going to wear. After all of the trouble, you finally decided to go casual much like you usually did. The time began to drag on as you sat there, getting more impatient by the minute. At some point you even began to nod off slightly, the lack of sleep from the night before beginning to catch up with you.

You were jerked awake by the buzzing of your phone in your lap, you were blinking hard as your eyes adjusted to the brightness of the screen. An ecstatic smile formed over your lips as you saw a message from Brian. He was letting you know that he'd landed, and you let out a silent squeal of excitement. You gripped your phone tightly as you stood up and made your way over to the area for arrivals.

You bounced lightly on either leg as you waited to see the first glimpse of your boyfriend.

You were beginning to get even more antsy as the time went on, until you finally saw Brian appear, walking out of the long corridor from the plane. He rolled his carryon suitcase behind him; a tired smile spreading over his face as he spotted you standing a few feet away.

Your small cheers of delight were uncontrollable as you jogged over towards him to meet him halfway. He dropped his bag as he picked up the pace over towards you to meet you in the middle. The two of you crashed into eachother; it was the first time either of you had touched in months, and you felt the jolts of electricity run down your spine as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

Your arms snaked around his neck; your lips both meeting one another at the same time as you shared a long, passionate kiss right there in front of everyone, but neither of you cared, this had been a long time coming and it was nice to just be able to feel him again.

Your arms snaked around his neck; your lips both meeting one another at the same time as you shared a long, passionate kiss right there in front of everyone, but neither of you cared, this had been a long time coming and it was nice to just be abl...

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You pulled back to look up into his brown eyes, "Don't fucking leave me again, bitch."

He smiled, "Uhm, I'm home for a few months. Trust me, I'll be ready to leave again after spending that amount of time with you."

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now