Fool For You (Trixie/Katya × Reader - Part 4)

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Category is: Angst/Fluff

A/N: Oh wow, it's late. Also, your wish is granted in chapter 5.


You woke up the next morning feeling more rested than you had in days

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You woke up the next morning feeling more rested than you had in days. You were still pressed up against Katya's chest; neither of you having moved during the night. Her arms were still wrapped protectively around you, and something about it worked, because you felt safer than ever. You glanced up from where your head laid against her chest to see that she was still asleep. You had never really took a whole lot of notice to Katya; but that wasn't to say that you weren't aware of how attractive she was in or out of drag. She was effortlessly gorgeous, but seeing just how attentive she had been to you the past few days, and even well before all of this, it began to make your thoughts morph into something different towards her.

You pulled back from her slightly to lay on your own pillow. It was a surreal feeling to be laying there with her while all of this new attraction had suddenly decided to come foward in your mind. But it wasn't a complete surprise, you had always held a certain level of attraction towards her, but it had always been overshadowed by the fact that you were in love with Brian.. Or you were in love with him.

Katya sighed softly as she shifted her position, burying her head down into the pillow. You bit your lip to hold back the laugh you felt trying to escape your throat as she murmered something into the pillow. Now that it was daylight, you were finally given a better view of tattoos that laid across her skin. You glanced over to her; she didn't seem to be awake yet.

You slowly reached out and dragged your index finger over one of her tarot card tattoos; you noted the difference in the texture of her blank skin against black ink of the artwork that was etched into her arm. She had amassed quite the collection in such a short amount of time. You were mesmerized by all of them as your dragged your finger lazily over the skeleton on one of the tarot cards, outlining the bones with your finger. You were so caught up in it that you hadn't even noticed that she had her head towards you now, watching sleepily as your brushed your fingers over her bare skin.

 You were so caught up in it that you hadn't even noticed that she had her head towards you now, watching sleepily as your brushed your fingers over her bare skin

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Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now