Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 7 - X-18)

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You and Brian slept soundly for a few hours, but you started to stir around 6am and, eventually, your eyes cracked open. The room was dimly lit by the mounted flatscreen on the wall in front of the bed. The bedroom and the bedsheets were cool, but that coolness was contrasted by the body heat radiating behind you. It honestly took you a moment to remember that you were in Brian's apartment and, moreso, in his bed with him as he laid pushed up against your back.

In your groggy state of half sleep, stupidly enough, that's when it dawned on you that all this shit had really transpired - you really did have sex with him. That's what you had wanted, of course. It was just wild to you that it actually happened. This whole situation was a fever dream come to life.

You shifted where you laid, feeling Brian's bare skin against yours, and you listened to the soft sounds of his breathing, because his face was pretty much buried in the back of your head. Having his body against you was a nice feeling, but at the same time, you knew it wasn't something you should get yourself used to.

You weren't dumb or delusional about your place here, you knew this was friends with benefits - at most. There was a chance that this might not ever even happen between the two of you again, which would suck, but all least you'd have the satisfaction of knowing that it did happen. You didn't let yourself harp on that. You knew to enjoy this for what it was in the moment.

You laid there quietly, still listening to his breathing, and getting the slightest chill everytime you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck. Just as you were about to drift back into sleep, Brian let out a soft groan and shifted his weight on the bed, moving even closer to you and throwing his strong arm around your waist. You couldn't help but melt into his hold; the warmth of his body pressed up against you was one of the most soothing sensations, and it was too welcoming to deny. You shuffled yourself back against him, letting yourself relax into his chest.

"Are you awake?" Brian's raspy voice cut through the silence of the dark room.

"Yeah, I am," you whispered through a rapsy tone of your own. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, you didn't," he assured you, taking in a relaxed breath. "How long have you been up?" He asked next, moving his arm from around your waist.

You shifted yourself to your back beneath the covers, turning your head towards his direction. Although you couldn't see him clearly, you were able to make out the shapes in his cheekbones. The flickering light of the TV highlighted his features, giving you momentary glimpses of his pretty face.

"Probably 5 or 10 minutes," you replied, but your eyes were still focused on getting a look at his face.

You continued to look over in his general direction while your pupils continuously adjusted to the dim room. You watched his form shift and his muscles flex against his skin while he rolled himself to the side of the bed to grab his phone from the nightstand.

"I'm used to late nights, so I don't sleep much," you added after the fact.

"I can tell." His voice was still layered with raspiness from sleep, and his brows still had a slight scowl to them from the grogginess. "It's only 6am. Bitch, the only people up at this time are tweakers and public city workers," he groaned.

"And strippers," you reminded him.

"Nobody cares about titties at 6am, Mary," he snorted.

The light from his phone illuminated his face even further and you found yourself not being able to take your eyes away from him. His eyes studied over his phone screen, and your eyes traced over every part of his face that you could see. You fully indulged yourself, drinking in his appearance and making a mental not of how good he looked with a thick layer of stubble blanketed over his jaw.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now