Exxxtra gifs - Part 4

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A/N: More gifs in the form of Room 104 Katya. I should have another request done by the end of the week, hopefully sooner. I'd honestly love to get to a point where I'm updating AT LEAST once a week. I've been revising this new request and re-written it a few times, and I'm still not very happy with it tbh, but I'm gonna get it finished either way. I'm also not going to apologize for all my Twin Peaks references I'm making in fics now, because I'm about as obsessed with it as that bald flop is, and I'm not gonna stop talking about it lmao. I also dabble in roleplay as Katya, so if you have a solid plot and want to RP, DM me on here to discuss your idea. 18+ ONLY.

Also, have an idea for a Room 104 Katya AU oneshot, because she is Sugar Momma material, and she doesn't get the credit she deserves. 🥵


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