She Dominates (Katya/Brian M. × Reader - Part 2 - X-18)

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A/N: Credit to thisbitchtrynafuck2 for such a bomb ass smut request. 🤤 hope you enjoy! If y'all got any juicy Katya smut ideas like this one, send 'em my way!

Contains: Dominance, vouyerism, masturbation, choking, dirty talk, praise kink.


The past few weeks had been incredibly shitty. Between your unpredictable work schedule that had you working extremely late hours, and Brian working his even more hectic club schedule, the two of you were almost like strangers at the current moment. The two of you were always either coming or going, and the two of you had been lucky to even end up sleeping in the same bed for the past week for a few hours at a time.

Of course, you found the time to exchange a few words and your usual sentiments that couples do, but it had been two weeks since the both of you were actually able to sit down to just talk and enjoy each other's company, and even more tragic, that meant that sex had been extra sparse as well.

Lack of sex was something that was truly starting to drive you crazy. It was an even more cruel form of torture to see Brian getting ready to go to work and looking absolutely ravishing, and yet, you were either too exhausted or too busy to do anything about it. Something had to give at some point.

So, it's no wonder how or why you ended up in your shower after work at 2am, with your thighs clamped tightly around your hand, pleasuring yourself to the thought of your absent boyfriend.

You laid your head back against the cool, shower wall as the hot water poured down over your body. You had your fingers sank deep inside of your core, you back arching against the wall while your imagination played out what you wanted Brian, or might you say, Katya, to do to you, playing on an endless loop.

All of this had finally come to a head tonight when she sent you a series of photos from her current show. The photos were beautiful, of course, and you were so proud of her, but right now, you were way too goddamn horny to worry about anything other than getting yourself off to them.

 The photos were beautiful, of course, and you were so proud of her, but right now, you were way too goddamn horny to worry about anything other than getting yourself off to them

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