Heavy Petting (Katya/Brian M. × Reader ‐ X-18)

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A/N: This was a request by FemaleDemon7. If anyone has any requests, send them my way.

Contains: Mutual masturbation, praise, degradation, etc.


It was just a typical Saturday night, and since you had the night free, you decided to accompany Katya to one of her shows. It was all going great, and she had been set to perform twice. Her first performance was top notch - always was. Any chance you got to watch her up on stage was completely intoxicating to you, and the way she exuded femininity and seduction from every pore was enough to drive you wild on it's on, but tonight, majority of her focus was on you, and not the crowd.

You had decided to stand side stage to watch her performance, and she spent most of that time throwing looks your way and the ocassional wink as she flaunted across the stage, commanding the attention of everyone, especially you. Your eyes were totally glued to her, and she took so much advantage of that as she continued to move her way across the stage. She caressed her own body, rubbing her hands over the black and silver sequin dress as she moved closer to where you stood, just out of view of the audience. Prancing rather flirtily over to you as her blue eyes burned into yours as she drew closer and closer to you - so close you could smell her perfume now. She reached out for you, tugging at your arm.

"No, no- what are you doing?" You called to her over the music with a large grin, trying to pull your arm away, but not trying that hard

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"No, no- what are you doing?" You called to her over the music with a large grin, trying to pull your arm away, but not trying that hard.

"Dvigay svoyey zadnitsey, detka! It's the end of my set, and you look too good to be standing back here, bitch," Katya called back to you, and tugging you along easy enough by the arm until you were right on the stage with her.

Of course, you were casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, but that was one of the things you loved about Katya so much. She truly thought you looked beautiful at any time of the day, and no matter what you were wearing.

You were faced with ear the shattering screams as Katya appeared to the crowd again, and also now that they were seeing that you were with her. It wasn't a secret in the community anymore that Katya was involved with a woman, and that woman was you. So, you were pretty well recognized by the fan now, which was a weird enough anomaly in itself for you, considering that you weren't a performer.

Katya's music of choice was still blaring through the speakers of the club - typical Russian pop, you couldn't tell if it was Loboda or Glukoza - as she continued to dance along to the music and wrapping her hands around your waist, pressing her body up against your as she circled around you a few times, which only encited more screams - especially from the fan girls. She finally stood in front of you at one point and bent herself over, pressing her ass right against your crotch and grinding herself against you in a sensual way as she continued to lipsync to the crowd.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now