Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 3 - X-18)

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Katya on the B&B Podcast: "I find it so revolting, that expression - 'breeding.'"

Me listening, knowing that I wrote a one-shot about her that included a breeding kink:

Me listening, knowing that I wrote a one-shot about her that included a breeding kink:

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Also, the BIGGEST of thanks to 6Lil_pound_cake9 who made both of the new covers for this book and FRWL. Thank you again, lovely. They're amazing. 🖤


The end of your shift couldn't come soon enough, but you ended up sticking around backstage for another hour with Sarah to get dressed down into normal clothes, wipe off your makeup, and just talk. The two of you kept the conversation in mostly the same place it was earlier, going back and forth between her relationship troubles and your current predicament with Brian.

"I'm so nervous about tomorrow," you said, while meticulously packing away your makeup and clothes.

Any other time you would have just crammed everything in the back and called it a night, but you were doing your best to keep yourself busy with any and everything to keep your anxiety in check.

"Worst-case scenario: you're gonna go over there and have a great time, and then I'll never hear the end of it," she said rather sweetly, doing her best to give you some comfort.

"I know... I'm being neurotic, right?" You breathed, bringing your hands up to brush your hair behind your ears.

"Definitely being a neurotic, babe. You're overthinking things," she added, giving you that serious expression again.

"You're right," you sighed, finally standing up to pull the duffle bag strap over your shoulder. "And I hate it when you're right."

She gave you a smug smirk before standing up to face you. "That's just too bad," she said, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "Now, get out of here. Go home and get your shit together. Call me tomorrow because I want to hear everything."

"I will," you replied, hugging her before you left.


You didn't get any sleep that night after arriving back home. You were too busy trying to perfect exactly what you wanted to wear, how you were gonna do your makeup; overall, just in shock of what the day might hold only hours from now.

You finally crawled into bed at around 6 am, just as the sun had begun to creep up in the sky. Had you not already been so exhausted from working and preparing for later that day, you're anxiety surely would've kept you up, but somehow, your body managed to relax enough to let you fall asleep for a few hours of much-needed rest.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now