Fool For You (Trixie/Katya × Reader - Part 5 - X-18)

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Category is: Angst/Fluff/Smut

A/N: Oh, y'all wanted a twist?


When you stepped out of Brian's apartment, it was a bittersweet feeling; part of you wanted to run back in there and jump into his arms, but the other part of you knew that you had to do this, and you were proud of yourself for walking away. You knew that you had to stand-up for yourself and not give into him that easily. You felt like that weight that you had been carrying had been lifted off of your shoulders once again, but as you left, you were more confused than ever. You were caught between hating him and still loving him; wanting to be with him and wanting to be nowhere near him, all at once. You loved him, but you hated the person he had become.

It was something you knew you had to put out of your mind somehow. You were way too prone to over-thinking and you had done more than your fair share of it this week. Obviously, it wasn't something that you could get out of your head completely, but as long as you could keep yourself focused on other things, you'd be okay, and that's why you were grateful to have Katya on your side.

When you finally made it back to her apartment you stepped inside, dropping your bag onto the floor with an exasperated sigh. You never thought you'd be so happy to be here instead of at Brian's. Katya was seated on the floor in the middle of her living room, with her drag spread out everywhere and a deck of tarot cards in front of her on the ground.

"I can't believe you came back," She finally spoke, turning around to look up at you as you walked over towards her.

She wasn't really surprised, but of course she couldn't pass up a chance to poke fun at you.

"I told you I was coming back," You said, lowering yourself down to the ground in front of her. "What are you doing anyway?"

She shrugged, propping her head up on her hand as she picked up one of the cards to look at it, "Being a witchy woman. Want to do a reading, Satan?"

"No, I think I know what my future holds," You snapped your fingers and pointed up as if you were looking at an invisible billboard, "Single woman dies alone in apartment, and found half-eaten by her 30 cats."

"I told you to stop reading my fucking diary, Mom," She smiled, flinging one of the cards at you.

You laughed and picked it up to observe it; you raised an eyebrow and looked up to her, holding it up face-first to her. The card was, Death.

"Is this your reading?" You asked.

She shook her head, with a small smirk forming on her lips, "Nope. It's yours."

You nodded and looked back down at the card, "Beginnings, endings, life cycles, and transitions.. Right?" You said, scratching your head as you tried your best to remember it's significance.

Katya bit her lip and smiled at you as she took the card from your hand and stuck it back in the deck.

"You're correct, Linda. Now, I want all the fucking details, bitch." She leaned over on her elbows to get closer to you, eager to know what went down at Brian's.

You looked down at her, seeing the quizzical look on her face as she already had a few guesses of her own.

You held up your thumb and index finger, holding them milimeters apart, "We were this close."

Katya's lips parted as she began to speak, "Yeah, I thought you looked more disheveled than usual, Mother. You didn't, right?"

You shook your head, "No. I came to my senses."

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now