She Dominates (Katya/Brian M. × Reader - Part 4 - X-18)

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A/N: This shit 12k words. Also, it's 2021, and I want the smut I post to get 10x more raunchy than what it already is.

Plot was a request by lachicadeverdad.
Requests still open.

Contains: Jealous/possessive Katya, Mommy Domme Katya, teasing, orgasm denial, spanking, degradation, choking, squirting. Aftercare included 😌


You were currently sitting at the bar of Micky's in West Hollywood. The club was filled with pulsing music and a crowd of patrons had already started congregating around the stage at the front, and people that couldn't get a good view were spilling back over to the bar now, and you were currently seated between two sets of couples who were getting more handsy with one another the longer that the drinks kept flowing their way. You didn't mind it, you just wished you could be in the same position with your own boyfriend, or technically, girlfriend, at the moment.

The overabundance of people in the club tonight came from the fact that Katya was performing. It wasn't often that she did gigs at regular clubs anymore, since she and Trixie's careers had taken off, they were more used to performing at actual venues now, but it was always nice to see her come back to her roots and do smaller gigs; it was no surprise that the house was packed tonight, and since you were literally dating her, you didn't see much reason to be greedy and nose your way to the front of the crowd - no matter how much you might have wanted to. Katya had texted you a few minutes earlier to let you know she was about to go on, and you were more than excited to see her perform, you always were.

While you waited, you mostly kept to yourself and sipped on a sangria. Minding your own business was going along very well, until one pair of the two couples that had been sitting on either side of you began to get louder and louder with their conversation, and it was obvious based on the venom in words that were being spewed, that it was no doubt a drunken argument starting to brew between the two of them.

The couple in question were a man and woman, and they went back and forth for a few minutes; so far, the gist of it, from what you could comprehend from the slurring in their voices: she was upset that he was liking his ex girlfriend's photos on Instagram, and he kept repeating that they were still "good friends," which seemed to only incite the girl's anger even more - truthfully, you were silently siding with the girl on this one

They went at it for a while longer before the guy finally stood up, gave her some excuse about her being drunk and overreacting before he walked off. It really only took a split second before the girl went trailing after him, spewing more insults at him as she went, with the words echoing through the bar. It garnered a lot of stares, but interest was quickly lost as everyone went back to their drinks and their own conversations. After that little ordeal, you put your attention back onto your phone screen to kill the time before Katya went onstage.

"Do straight people always get in fights at gay bars, or is it just this one?" An amused, feminine voice came from beside you a few moments later.

At first, you didn't realize anyone was saying that to you, until you tilted your head up to see a woman perched against the barstool where the couple had been a few moments ago. But it was very clear by looking at the woman beside you that she was talking to you while trying to get the bartender's attention.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now