She Dominates (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 5 - X-18)

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A/N: A request by FemaleDemon7

13k words. It literally took me all night long to proofread and edit this. Now I'm going to bed.

BTW, make sure y'all wish that pretty bald thing a happy 43rd birthday! Aging like fine wine. 🥰

Contains: Soft Domme reader, Daddy Kink, Praise, JOI, Rim job, Oral sex, Dirty talk, Pegging, etc.


"My grandson is studying magic," Brian crooned from across the room, referencing a Twin Peaks scene playing on TV in that Maureen voice as he exited the bathroom.

You looked over at him with a sharp laugh, but your eyes instantly welled up with adoration while you grazed over at his half-naked form. He had left you a little earlier to take a shower, and you could still see the slight dampness to his skin as he walked back over to the couch where you were currently laying. In true Brian fashion, he was wearing nothing but a pair of MarcoMarco underwear. Sometimes, you wondered why he bothered to put clothes on at all since neither of you could stay dressed around eachother for longer than an hour – and that was being generous.

"Do you think when they filmed that scene, David Lynch was just like: 'Here, kid, hold this creamed corn'," you wheezed out through a laugh as the two of you stared at the television.

It was just one of those lazy nights where the two of you binged watched whatever show you could find, and that always ended up being Twin Peaks, for some reason. The more time went on, the more you were convinced Brian was in love with you just for the fact that you indulged him in all of his weird shows, and for the fact that you probably liked them even more than he did.

"This is the guy that said Eraserhead was his most spiritual film," he scoffed, plopping himself down onto the couch.

Brian lowered his body down onto his side, getting on all fours to crawl across the spacious L-shaped couch towards you; alternating his gaze between you and the television before he settled himself between your legs so that he was laid on top of you, nuzzling himself against your chest. The two of you always took turns on who was doing the actual holding when it came to cuddling one another, but lately, you had become more of the "holder."

Brian had been a bit docile for the past week in terms of his attitude and the way he interacted with you: he wanted to be held, he wanted you to instruct him with simple tasks, and overall, he just wanted to please you in every single way he could. It wasn't hard at all to tell that he was feeling more submissive, which wasn't unusual by any means, that was always bound to happen when two switches were dating. You were more than happy to take on a more "in charge" roll, especially when you were in the mood to do so, like now.

"Yeah, and that he'd never elaborate on why," you added, wrapping your arms comfortably around him, drawing circles into his back with your fingers. "Maybe we should get actual lives instead of obsessing over weird shit."

"I'm living my life exactly how I want, thank you," he mumbled, pressing his face down between your breasts. "One DuoLingo lesson and EMOM session with Katy at a time," his voice came out muffled through the fabric of your t-shirt.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now