Fool For You (Trixie/Katya × Reader - Part 3)

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Category is: Angst/Fluff


The Uber ride back to Katya's apartment was a quiet one for the most part. You were relieved just to have someone else there, but even Katya couldn't keep your spirits at a high for long; not when the thoughts kept playing over and over in your head. You sighed, leaning your head against the window as you watched the city streets roll by. You were exhausted, and you hoped that at some point you'd be able to get a decent amount of rest before you spiraled into a complete breakdown.
Katya wasn't the type to pry, not too much anyway, but when she saw that you were headed into a dark place, she did her best to bring you out of it.

"Barbara, you're getting quiet on me. I can't have that," Katya's voice interrupted your onslaught of thoughts as she leaned over into you.

You shivered, feeling her lean up against your shoulder; you turned your head towards her. Your faces were only inches apart as she stared you down.

"I can't be in high spirits constantly, Katya," You sighed, shifting in the seat so you could face her.

She nodded, her brows knitting together in actual concern as she looked at you. She was beginning to take on the demeanor of a protective mother hen, and while it was nice to see someone actually concerned for how you felt, you didn't want her to pity you.

"I know. You've got to feel it to get through it. Isn't that what the great Philospher Aileen Wuornos said?" She gave you a small smirk.

Clearly she was still intent on saying whatever she could to try to keep your spirits up regardless of how much you protested against it.

You bit back a smile as you rolled your eyes at her, "Stop doing that thing where you make me cheer up."

She looks you up and down silently, as if she was saying, 'You wish, bitch.'


It was a relief when you were finally back at her apartment. Your eyes had began to feel even heavier than before now, and the lack of sleep was catching up with you rapidly. When you stepped through the door, you threw your bags down; the familiar smell of cigarettes and perfume hitting your nose.

To most people, Katya's apartment would look like the beginnings of someone who would go on to be on the show Hoarders; between the mountain of drag clothes, regular clothes, wigs, her various paintings, and Russian-esque decorations -- her place was somewhat junky, but it was very much her aesthetic.

It honestly felt like a second home, anyway. Whenever she was home and not performing, or on tour, you frequnted her apartment; especially when Brian was away. In that amount of time, you and she had become close, you'd even go as far as to say that maybe you and her were closer than she and Trixie were now; Katya saw you way more than she saw her nowadays anyway.

Katya had been through a lot of bullshit over the past year involving her mental health, even going as far as taking a break from drag and doing a stint in rehab because of her on and off substance relapses. Luckily, she had found herself in a much better place, and once the two of you had started spending more time together, you did whatever you could to help her stay level-headed. Perhaps that's why she was taking you under her wing the way she was now; it was a thank you for all the times that you had been there when Trixie wasn't.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now