Fool For You (Trixie/Brian F. × Reader - Part 2)

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Category is: Angst

A/N: I just saw that this book is #2 in Trixie Mattel fics. Holy SHIT.. How? Thank you guys so much for reading this trash. You've brought some life back into this dead heart of mine. This chapter is gonna be somewhat short, because I wanna save some things for chapter 3.


You stood in line at the small coffee shop that you frequented before work. 9am was still too early for you, and a caffeine buzz was the only thing going to get you through the first leg of the work day. You stood there, stifling back a yawn as you watched the small, brunette girl behind the counter work diligently to fulfill orders that were quickly adding up. You tapped your foot lightly on the ground as you waited as patiently as you could, hoping you could get out of here soon as the place was beginning to get a bit too crowded for your liking.

"Vanilla bean latte with a shot of expresso!" The girl called out as she sat the cup on the counter.

You gave a sigh of relief as you walked forward to reach out for your drink. But your body collided with someone else who was also reaching for it.

"Whoa," A tall guy in a backwards baseball cap called as he turned his head towards you.

He looked way too familiar.

"Sorry, this is mine." You gave him a polite smile as you wrapped your fingers around it.

"I thinks it's mine. I ordered before you." He blinked down at you, his lips stretching into a thin. He was intent on taking it.

"Uhh, vanilla bean?" You questioned.

He nodded. "With a shot of espresso -- yeah."

You looked down at the cup, the name 'Brian' was scrawled across it in black magic marker, and then it hit you who he was -- he was Trixie Mattel.

"Oh shit. Sorry," You said sheepishly as you pulled your hand back, embarrassed.

Your face scrunched as You turned to the barista. "Uhm, what about my vanilla bean latte?"

She turned to you with a shrug. "I'm sorry. That was the last of it."

You groaned, already exasperated with the day. "Okay, just a regular black coffee then."

"Hang on," The guy said as he held out his drink to you. "You're lucky I'm feeling generous, Linda -- take it."

"No, no. It's okay." You tried to assure him, but he just cocked his eyebrow at you and thrust the drink into your hand.

"Just take it." He rolled his eyes.

You gave him a grateful smile and took it from his hand. "You're not gonna drag me into the sewer now, are you?"

He laughed at your joke, while his nose scrunched in cutest way. "No, I just do drag in sewers."

"Yeah, I thought I recognized you. Trixie Mattel, right?" You questioned. "Let me buy you something as a thank you."

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now