Fool For You (Trixie/Katya × Reader - Part 6)

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A/N: Finally getting around to posting this. The chapter is going be super short. Part 7 will be longer, and it will be the last.


There was an incessant ringing in your ears that you couldn't find the source for as you went in and out of sleep. Your eyes finally began to open to be met with sunlight peeking through the blinds on the window. The more you were brought out of sleep, the more familiar the ringing became.

It was your phone.

You quickly pulled yourself up in bed, but you were stopped short by Katya's arm latched around your midsection. She twisted and shifted on the mattress, groaning at your movement and the phone ringing. You smiled and slid out from under her carefully as you grabbed your phone from the night stand. The clock that sat on it said that it was 12pm.

"Jesus," you squinted at the numbers before looking down at your phone.

The first thing that you saw was Brian's contact picture taking up the screen. It was the picture you had taken of him on one of the various, but few, dates he had taken you on when he was home. You wondered why in the hell he was even bothering to call you. Part of you really didn't give enough of a shit to answer, but the other part of you that still cared told you to answer it, fearing it might be something serious.

"Hello?" You said in a raspy tone that let him know he had woken you up out of a dead sleep.

"(Y/N). I need to talk to you. Please, just talk to me."

You could hear the desperation in his tone and you sighed as you felt Katya begin to stir beside you, turning her body in your direction. Her eyes cracked open to reveal those deepset, blue eyes that looked a little annoyed now that you were on the phone. You held up your finger and gave a silent nod to let her know you wouldn't be on the phone long. She groaned slightly, digging her fingers into your skin.

"What's wrong, Brian?" You said, leaning your body back against the headboard of the bed.

"I fucked up. I know that, okay? But I can't deal with you shutting me out completely. I atleast want us to try to be civil," He said.

There was a certain level of guilt to his tone that almost made you feel shitty for the way you were acting. Almost.

"You say that as if we have a kid, or a dog you want us to have joint-parenting with," you rolled your eyes slightly.

Katya lifted her head up in a slow manner, pursing her lips at you in frustration. She was usually cheerful, but not only had Brian called while the two of you were sound asleep, but it was the fact that it was Brian who was calling you. Katya had become very protective over you since this whole incident, and while she and Brian were still friends, it was safe to say that things were strained between the two of them now them now.

You gave her a small shrug, mouthing the words 'sorry' to her. She responded by shaking her head slowly as she laid her head back down beside you.

"You know what, that's fine. I deserve that, I just want to at least be able to talk to you," Brian's voice cracked.

"Are you crying?" You said in a low tone, turning your head away from Katya.

"Not right now.. But I have been," Brian sniffed.

You sighed, because you knew that him saying that was all it took for you to put what had happened to the side for a moment. Granted, he was crying because of his own dumbass actions, but you still cared, and no matter what he did or said, it was going to be hard to change the fact that you did.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now