She Dominates (Katya/Brian M. × Reader - X-18)

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Category is: SMUT/BDSM

A/N: I'm not sorry about this lmao. This is the same fic, but it's re-published and improved.


"Place me in your sense of care, I'd do all for you, anywhere,
You are the master, and I am the slave willing to be your depraved servant to your every whim."


You arrived home from work to an unusually dark and quiet apartment. Typically when you arrived home, you'd be greeted by Brian or Katya, depending on when and if he had a gig that night. But tonight, there was no music, no lights, nor the scent of perfume and hairspray thick in the air. The only source of light was a single lamp burning in the far corner of your living room. It was peculiar to say the least.

"Brian?" You called out into the dark as you felt your way into the kitchen to turn on a light. Everything seemed to be in place, except for him. "Brian?!" You called out again, beginning to feel the slightest tinge of worry.

"v spal'ne!" You finally heard his voice cut through the distance between you and your bedroom.

You had been taking Russian lessons for a few months now, so it was easier for you to understand what he said. You still weren't completely fluent in it, but communicating with him when he decided to use the language became easier. You understood that he said he was in the bedroom and you squinted your eyes, wondering why he was in there so early. You dropped your keys on the counter, and slipped your coat off your shoulders with a smirk.

You thought of the right word to use in response. "Na.. moyem puti," You said, finally finding a correct phrase to use.

"Khorosho, khorosho." He called back again, praising you for your correct use of the words.

He was clearly up to something, and you had no idea what. You walked slowly towards the darkened room, feeling slightly nervous at what you were about to walk into. You stood at the edge of the door, hesitant to go in.

"Brian, why are all the lights off in the house?" You sighed.

"Trust me, they don't need to be on yet," he said.

You couldn't even see where he was as it was pitch black in your room. You squinted into the darkness, the neon green numbers of your digital clock being the only visible light in the dark. You brought your fingers up to pinch the bridge of your nose.

"Alright, what did you do, and what did you break?" You huffed, thinking to yourself momentarily. "Jesus, you didn't break the fucking vase my grandmother gave me, did you?"

"No mother, I haven't broken anything.. Yet." The Maureen voice came out.

"Oh, Christ. Honey, I love you, but it's been a rough day," you sighed again, feeling your way over to find the switch on the lamp.

Work had been very miserable for you the past few weeks, and you were starting to regret ever going to college to get a decent paying job. The stress you were constantly under didn't seem worth it anymore, and having to be in control 24/7 was weighing on you. Brian did whatever he could to try and comfort you, but you were still very stressed.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now