Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 6 - X-18)

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A/N: This still ended up being long af. Just ignore any typos or errors - I hate reading over my own work.


You spent a good 30 minutes in the shower, most of that time was spent keeping your nerves in check and just being very meticulous about everything. You really had no idea where the rest of the night was gonna go, but you knew exactly where you'd like it to go. It was a bit odd how you were now feeling somewhat at peace, you were slightly anxious, but it was nowhere near where it was when you first came to his apartment Thursday.

When you finally stepped out of the shower, you stood in front of the mirror over the sink for a moment; drying yourself with a towel and looking over your body, you breathed out a sigh. You had that creeping thought again, the one where you wondered if Brian found you attractive. But you dropped that concern as quickly as it came as you dropped the towel to the floor as you dug through your bag to pull out your toothbrush and toothpaste.

When you finished up your nightly routine, you slipped into a pair of boyshorts - figuring thongs would be a bit too abrasive - and the t-shirt he gave you to wear. You gave yourself another once over in the mirror, breathing out slowly and biting into your lip as you thought you looked pretty damn cute. You grabbed your bag and made your way back out into the living room, dropping it over near the couch wear Brian was lounging on his phone. The cool air of the apartment hit you, and so did a completely different set of cs when Brians eyes peered up at you from over his phone.

"Hope you don't mind that I'm not wearing pants," you chuckled, sitting yourself down on the couch, but not seating yourself too close to him.

"I totally expected you to come out there wearing a nun's habit, Barbara," he joked, setting his phone down beside him. "Figured you just wanted my shirt for some kind of ritual."

"Obviously that's why I wanted it," you laughed, leaning yourself back into the cushions, turning your attention over to his TV where a Game of Thrones rerun was playing. "Y'know, I've never seen this whole thing."

Brian narrowed his eyebrows at you, scoffing as he pointed towards the door. "That's it - get out."

"Hey, I tried to get into it - glad I didn't, though. Everyone said the final season sucked." You crossed one of your legs over the other, making the shirt ride up on your thigh.

He flicked his eyes down, noticing it, and then looked back up to the TV. "Don't even get me started - it was horrible."

"Yeah, you don't have to go on a tangent about it," you laughed, nudging him with your knee.

"Mama, my scholarly knowledge isn't free, you gotta pay for that," he said, rolling his eyes as he turned his body towards you this time.

Your knee was still slightly pressed against him, but it didn't feel awkward. The two of you just kind of looked down as your knee pressed against his, but he soon lifted his head back up to you and just gave you a quaint smile; that's when you felt the nerves bubbling up again. You took a small breath, looking away before returning your gaze to him.

"Well, I probably should pay - I mean, I did refuse to take your money at the club," you said softly, shrugging at him and blinking.

"Yeah, and I should kick your ass for that," he said, still completely not in agreeance that you wouldn't let him pay.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now