She Dominates (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 3 - X-18)

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A/N: This was a request

Plot: It's the usual trope for the She Dominates series, but the roles are reversed this time, and the reader is the dominant party.

Contains: Submissive Brian, Mommy Kink, light degradation, praise, etc.


Per usual, yours and Brian's schedule was a little hectic, but thankfully, this Pandemic world you were living in did bring your rapid paced lifestyles to a bit of a halt. Of course, you were both still working - especially you - but you did miss the comforts of quarantine and being able to spend an excess amount of time with Brian, whether it was just watching weird movies, working out with him, him showing you why silicone body parts were great things to just have laying around the apartment (you were still trying to understand why), him excitedly showing you his Vampire Fitness album, and overall, just getting to spend time with him. He seemed to only get more eccentric as the days went by, and that's really what made you fall in love with him to begin with - that being said, it didn't mean he didn't have his mischievous ways to get under your skin.

You had about a half hour left of work; you did office work at a marketing firm and it was just about as mundane as it sounded. The corporate lifestyle mixed with a drag lifestyle was definitely odd but, it was interesting, to say the least. The end of the day was usually super slow, considering that most of the employees - including yourself - were ready to get the hell out of here. In fact, you were currently on your desktop doing some online shopping, that was until your phone vibrated against your desk. You reached over to pick it up and check your notifications, and you smiled when you saw Brian's name, quickly opening it up.

Come home already!

I'll be there soon, baby.

You put your phone back down, and didn't think much else of it. Brian always tended to send you cute messages when you were at work, especially now since he was stuck at home a lot more. You looked back at your computer screen, scrolling through various websites when your went off again. You scrunched your eyebrows a little as you grabbed your phone to look at it again.

Needs to be now. I want sex. 💦

You snickered quietly and rolled your eyes as you texted him back.

Mm, a little bossy, aren't you? 🙄

Bossy, horny, bald, and stuck at home.

Well, I love you, baby, but I can't leave work just to come home and bend over for you... As much as I'd like to.

You should...

You just rolled your eyes again, not messaging him back right then because you knew you'd be home in a little while and then the two of you could fuck for as long as you both wanted to.

A few minutes passed and you heard nothing else from Brian at that moment, so you assumed that would be the end of it - until you heard your phone go off again. You chewed your lip out of instinct as you slowly reached down for the phone again, opening the message, but quickly smacking your phone face down onto the desk when you were met with a picture Brian had sent you of the outline of his erection through his jeans. You quickly looked around to make sure that no one was walking by your cubicle, and luckily, they weren't as you breathed out a sigh and turning your phone back over to get a better look at the photo.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now