Chapter 10 Valentine's day special!!

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A/n Wow, two updates in as many days the world must be ending. This chapter is Valentine's gift for all of my lonely and not so lonely readers. So, super fluffy near the end, my loves, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Read, vote, and if you reaaaally love it let me know. Your feedback makes me want to update faster. Wink wink, nudge nudge. So, read on and enjoy. And I hope you all have the best Valentine's day possible.

》》》》》》Sebby's pov 《《《《《《

I couldn't help but smile at the sound of Hunter's excitement at whatever Lilly had brought him. I couldn't hold in the laugh that escaped at the loud thump, presumably from my little mate tackling his best friend. I was beyond happy that he had a family like this, these people obviously cared about him despite the lack of blood relation, although if Olivia was to be believed then it's understandable. These people love each other the same way pack loves each other, unconditionally and unquestionably. If I am honest, I'm still a bit in shock over that whole bit. I nearly had a heart attack when Olivia mentioned me being a wolf, I had thought Hunter had told them, which would not have ended well. I was shaken out of my thoughts at the sound of Olivia's voice.

"So, what pack do you belong to?" She asks quietly. I flash her a smile, before answering.

"Well, I am the soon to be Alpha of both the Black Knight pack, from my dad, and the Dark Forest pack, from my grandfather," I said softly, listening to my mate and his best friend make their way towards us. "What about your brother, what pack does he lead?" I ask as Hunter climbed into my lap and cuddled into my chest, all without once ending the conversation he is having with Lilly, I wrap my arms around him, lean down to kiss the top of his head, and then I begin to pet his hair. Once I am certain he is comfortable, and while my wolf is purring from the contact, I turn my attention back to Olivia. She has a soft smile on her face as she watches us interact. Once she notices my attention on her she leans back and answers my previous question.

"Well, I believe his pack is called Nightshade Hollow, or something like that." I just stared in shock, that pack is one of the most well-known packs in the world.

"Nightshade Hollow? Are you telling me right now that my mate, sitting in my lap right now, is seen as a son by the leader of one of the most ruthless packs in the world? The very same pack that has territory all over the world due to its nomadic tendencies. The only pack that is both powerful and isolated enough to be nomadic in the first place." I can help but be excited and terrified at the thought of meeting this man. I shake my head to clear it of those thoughts, today isn't about pack business, today is all about Hunter. This weekend will be perfect no matter what.

"Yes, actually, that would be the one." She said her voice filled with amusement at my blatant idolization of her brother."The place that you are staying all weekend actually belongs to him. Don't worry, Hunter love, I have made sure that he will leave you two alone this weekend. Now, I have a few rules that need to be followed while you're gone. There aren't that many, but they are important. One, no sex, meaning no intercourse anything else is up to you. Two, try not to break anything, please. Three, this is for you Sebastian, do not shift while anywhere but inside the cabin grounds. Last but not least, number four, you will under no circumstances go anywhere near alcohol. All four rules are for your own safety and for the safety of others and they will be followed, are we clear? Good." At our nods of agreement she smiled. "Now that the mom talk is over, you boys have fun and enjoy your weekend." She said as she stood up. "Up you go Lilly, we have to get ready to leave ourselves."

"Where are you going Aunt Livi? Isn't it your day off?" My little mate asked with the most adorable expression of confusion on his face. I couldn't help but laugh and pull him closer. God, he is just too cute.

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