chapter 4

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----------------~~Sebastian's pov~~---------------

I am going to pass out, or wear a hole in the carpet, whichever comes first. I'm outside my Grandfather's office right now, pacing, while I wait for his meeting to be over. I made up my mind to tell him about Hunter right away. I don't know how he will take it. On one hand, I'm his only grandson and we are taught growing up that the Moon Goddess chooses our mates for a reason, but on the other hand he was raised in a time where it's illegal to be homosexual. I am hoping that the packing logic will overpower any human beliefs that may have been taught to him.

I pause as the door opens and people begin to poor out of the room. After everyone has left, I slowly peek into the room.

"Granpa," I say nervously "can I talk with you for a minute?"

"Sure Sebby, what can I do for you?" He asks quietly. One of the reasons people love Grandfather is because he is always calm and collected, the voice of reason, in any situation.

"I have a...Well, the thing is..." I stumble on my words. He looks at me curiously for a moment and just watches me fidget.

"Sebby? You can tell me anything you know. This really isn't like you, what's wrong?" He asks in his usual calm manner, his voice is laced with amusement.

"Hear me out, ok?" I say taking a deep breath and regaining control over myself. At his nod, I begin to talk. "So, I found my mate,"I say quietly

"That's wonderful!" he shouts excitedly " When do we get to meet her? Oh, there is so much to do! We need to have a nice dinner and gather the family. We nee..."

"Granpa....Granda....Alpha Alecsander! " I shout trying to get his attention. His head snaps up to look at me.

"Well, what is it? Can't you see I'm planning." He says lovingly. "Don't you know I have to plan for the ritual. My little Sebby is all grown up." He says clutching his hands to his chest.

"Grandfather, there is more I need to tell you."

" What more can there be? My little Sebby has found a mate and her..." He says, sniffling slightly.

"He." I interrupt

"He? He what?" He says confused.

"My mate is a he" I clarify quietly.

"He? Well, that's an entirely different ritual I need to plan."He says matter of factly.

"Wait, that's it? Your perfectly fine with it?" I ask completely shocked.

"Well, why wouldn't I be? It's fairly common among wolves." I look at him in disbelief. "Didn't you know?" I shake my head too shocked to respond."What are they teaching you these days? Honestly by the time I was your age I knew my way around the male body."

"What?!?" I manage to choke out.

"I was quite the charmer with the lads when I was younger, your grandmother and I got around with the pack males quite well." He says with a dreamy quality to his voice. I have no idea how to respond.

"Grandfather, I'm missing some important information here, please explain," I say quietly

"Sebastian, it's more common to find homosexual relationships among Alphas because an alpha male is able to impregnate their mate no matter the gender. Male pregnancies are just as likely to carry to term, they can even handle the extra stress due to the way their bodies are made." He says his slipping into lecture mode. I just stare at him bewildered. "Honestly, do they teach you kids nothing these days?" He looks at me patiently as I try to process the news.

"So, I can have kids even with a male mate?" I ask in order to be sure.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, majority of the male pregnancies take place after the first mating." He says with a smile. "What I don't understand is why you don't know any of this. It's all common knowledge and it should have been taught to you by your parents when you came of age." He looks confused and worried for a moment before he brushes it off. "So, Sebby when am I going to meet this boy of yours." He asks excited about the prospect of meeting my mate.

"I don't know I haven't even told him, yet. He just got out of the hospital and today was the first time I have talked to him." I say with a shrug.

"Well, describe him to me."He says eagerly awaiting more information about my future mate.

"Oh, granda he's perfect. He has these big, green eyes that make you just want to melt, they're so expressive, you can see every emotion in his eyes. His smile, while rare, lights up the whole room. He is the perfect size for me to hold him in my arms. He looks so small and delicate but he's so strong, he puts up with so much. His hair is straight and looks so soft, that you want to run your fingers through it. It's long too, he is always flipping it out of his eyes. He is an angel, Granda, so small and adorable. I constantly want to touch him and never let anything hurt him. I want to give him the world." I can't help but smile as I tell him about my precious mate.

"Granda, let's go for a run and let our wolves out. My wolf wants to celebrate the occasion." Granda, nods and we head outside to the woods by our home. As we pass the treeline we begin to strip out of our clothes. Finally, we begin to change. It's a quick painless process, it's almost a release of sorts letting our wolves take control. We take off running and playing through the woods. Freedom, is what we feel, freedom and serenity.

-------------++++Hunter's pov++++---------------

I was a mess by the time I returned to Lilly's house. I keep having what can only be described as fangirl attacks every time I think about Sebastian. Which, by the way, is a lot. Here I am the school loner, the guy that everyone loves to hate, and this big beastly hunk of walking sex stood up for me. It was all I could do to get through the rest of class without squealing like some kind of fangirl at a One Direction concert. I need to calm down before Lilly gets home from her track meet.

"Hunter, sweetie, is that you? " Aunt Livi calls from her office. "Is Lilly with you?" she asks while walking into the room.

"No ma'am, she has practice before her meet tonight," I say softly.

"Oh, sweetie, why didn't you call me I would've come to pick you up." She says her voice concerned.

"I don't mind the walk, besides it's shorter than the one to my house, and I didn't want to bother you on your day off. I'm fine auntie. I'm gonna go wander for a little while, ok?" I smile gently at her. She hugs me and gives a little nod.

"If you're sure. Be back for dinner, and don't go too far." I smile and wave as I walk out of the door and head for the woods behind their house. As I walk, thoughts of Sebastian fill my head once more. I can't help but feel drawn to him in a way that I've never felt before. It might be because I see him as a protector of sorts a, pardon the pun, Knight in shining armor. I could get lost in his brown eyes, they seem to look right through you to your very soul, and they make you want to melt into a puddle of hormonal goo at his feet.

Men would kill to have his cheekbones and strong jaw. And boy, can that man pull off the scruffy look. Everything about him screams sex, it's just not fair. He is ridiculously tall, at 6'3 he towers over most, but especially in comparison with my pitiful 5'6. Not to mention his body, oh the things I want to do to his body. As these thoughts are swirling around in my head I hear a noise behind me. I turn around only to stumble back at the sight of two unnaturally large wolfs standing there. I start to slowly back away only to trip over a root and fall. I scurry back as the wolves stalk closer and closer, looming over me.

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