chapter 13

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A/N I apologize for this chapter. I had no intention for this to happen but the story wrote itself. This chapter gives a deeper look into Hunter's past, while I have mentioned it before, this chapter shows just how fucked up Hunter is emotionally. It gets dark, not graphic cause that's for later, but kinda dark. Trigger warning read at your own risk. Please feel free to comment and vote. Comments motivate me to update faster. P.s. Hunter's parents in pic

Hunter's pov.

It's been two weeks since we got back from our Valentine's trip and things have gotten a bit hectic. We returned home to the news that Uncle Lucan's pack was coming to meet *cough* interrogate *cough* my mate. As the closest thing to family (that actually gave a shit about me), I had, as well as my adoptive alpha, it was within his rights to do so.

He has even more right to it because of Sebastian's rank in his own pack. Now, while I realize the potential it has for both packs that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I really do love Uncle Lucan and I can't wait to see him again, but his impending arrival makes it much more difficult to spend any time with Sebastian.

Everything has just been so busy for both of us, we haven't had time for more than brief moments together during school. He, of course, is busy helping arrange not only the pack house (most of Uncle's pack is staying there) but also treaty contracts and alliance contracts between both packs. I'm not just twiddling my thumbs either, I have also been told that my parents are actually coming home for more than a few hours, unfortunately; because of this I've had no choice but to move back into my parent's house. Not to mention how behind I've been in school thanks to my hospital stay, the nightmares, and the return of the insomnia that near constant contact with my mate has up to this point kept away.

The lack of sleep is getting to me, I'm not sure how I have never realized just how empty and cold this house is, I feel lost and hollow in this house. It's just so still and quiet all the time, it makes me feel like I'm slipping into my mind and getting lost. It makes me panic on the inside as I feel my emotions start to fade away. This house does that to me it makes me...drift. Even with my medication, I still feel....blank.

It feels like the walls are closing in, suffocating me, sucking the life out of me. It's been this way for a very long time, I become more and more apathetic the longer I'm alone in this house, which is more often than not. It almost forces me to think about things I shouldn't if I want to remain sane. It forces me to think of dirty closed off rooms, being bound to a chair unable to move and scared to breathe. It makes me think of pain, both emotional and physical, of hands touching places that should never ever have been touched without permission.

It makes me remember the feeling of being stuck in my own mind, floating about like I'm watching a movie starring myself, not thinking or feeling and barely breathing. The memories have a habit of catching me off guard, making me feel raw and alone when I'm in this house. I can't sleep without hearing horrible mocking laughter, without seeing leering faces, and cold, dirty, unwelcome touches. I can feel my body trembling from cold and fear, feel my stomach rumbling in hunger, feel foul breath on my skin.

This house is dangerous, the words on the walls have come back again, they won't go away. Why are there so many words, and why does it hurt so much? I'm crying again, I do that a lot in this house it seems. I just want the voices to stop, the laughing to stop, covering my ears doesn't help. I wish it would help. I can't sleep. I need sleep, but I can't sleep. Everything seems to get worse if I sleep.

I want out of this house. Out. Out. Out. Outoutoutout. I can't breathe, why can't I breathe. Why am I floating again? I just want it all to stop. Please, make it stop. I don't like this house. Why does it seem so much worse than before I stayed with Lilly? Lilly. I should call Lilly, she'll make it stop. No. I shouldn't bother her. If I bother her she'll leave. Leave. Leave. Leave. WHY DO THEY KEEP LEAVING ME ALONE!

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