chapter 5

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☆☆♡♡★★Sebastian's pov☆☆♡♡★★

I smell something wonderful, like a garden at night after it's rained, sweet and sultry and dark all at the same time. My wolf raises its head in the air, in order to get a better idea of where the smell is coming from. We catch the scent trail heading deeper into the forest, and off we go, chasing after the smell that we recognize as our Mate.

The smell is fresh so we can track it very easily. My wolf begins to prance and strut at the thought of our Mate. I can hear Grandfather following behind us, still in wolf form. I yip excitedly and speed up a bit as the trail gets stronger. It has not yet registered that I am in wolf form and my mate might not recognize me. I slow down as I begin to see him in a clearing not to far off, I bound toward him in a way my grandfather likes to refer to as an overgrown puppy. I watch as he turns around quickly almost falling. My grandfather and I walk towards him, all the while I am introducing him to my grandfather via our mind link. He backs away from us, confusing my wolf. He falls down and continues to back away.

÷_÷_÷_÷_÷_Hunter's pov÷_÷_÷_÷_÷_÷_

The wolf makes a quiet noise almost like a whimper as he looks at me. I open my eyes which I don't remember closing in the first place. I look at the wolf in confusion as he lies down in front of me and slowly crawls forward inch by inch. I cautiously reach my hand out toward the wolf only to have him nudge my hand like a dog that wants attention. I chuckle as I pet him no longer scared.

I sit up and get a good look at the wolves for the first time. They were amazing creatures. They were much bigger than normal wolves are supposed to be, the one I am currently petting has a beautiful black coat of fur and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I look around the beast in front of me and see that the other wolf stopped at the edge of the clearing.

This wolf is just a bit smaller than the one laying in front of me. It looks older, more regal and controlled in its bearing. Its fur is brown with gray-threaded through it around its muzzle and eyes. As I watch he slowly walks closer, sniffing me. Alarmed I try to back away, but the younger wolf is lying on my lap and I cannot move. The older wolf stops a bit away and touches noses with the wolf on top of me. I smile as he does the same to me.

"Um, hello?", I say my voice filled with confusion as to why I feel so safe with these wild animals. I watch in shock as the wolf bows his head to me. It's such a human gesture, and I have no idea how to respond. I shift my weight and wince, I must have hurt myself when I fell. I look up when I felt the black wolf move in my lap. I become even more confused as he starts to rub his body against mine. I remember, at that moment, reading about wolves when I was younger.

When I was first ignored by my parents I found comfort in reading about wolves, it had always fascinated me, learning about how they lived and behaved. I remember that wolves would mark their territory by leaving their scent.

×_+_×_+_×_Sebby's pov_+_×_+_×_+_×

I felt a wave of ecstasy rush through me the moment he touches me. My wolf was happy beyond belief at what he saw as our mate accepting us. The more comfortable he became with us the happier we were. We slowly crawl further in his lap, burying our nose into his clothes in order to take in his scent. We felt him stiffen, at the same time we hear Grandfather coming closer. We turn and bump noses with him in order to try and calm our mate. As he relaxes once more, I hear my mate.

"Um, hello", He says quietly. Even confused his voice sends sparks through me.

"Sebastian, you have a lovely mate. He is handling this very well." My grandfather says through our mind link. "I very much approve of him. He will make beautiful alpha pups if we get him to put on a bit of weight."

"Grandfather!" I shout appalled. He just chuckles through the pack link.

"Don't sound like that, it has to happen eventually, and you know you want it. Besides the boy looks like a strong breeze can blow him over."

"Grandfather you can't say things like that we don't even know if he would want a family, with me or not," I say quietly. Just the thought of our mate full and round with our pups sends a surge of the need to claim him through my wolf. He begins rubbing our scent onto our mate, and even though it's a temporary scent, it's enough for now, to calm our need to mark him more permanently. I wonder if I should tell him soon or if I should wait longer. I'm filled with conflicting emotions as I look into his striking green eyes.

"Sebastian take him home." My grandfather says abruptly. "Once, he is home we will head back to the pack house. Then, you can invite him to dinner. After you get your wolf under control, that is." I take a deep breath and stand up. Looking at my mate I wonder how I am supposed to get him to follow me. I turn and walk away, then look back at him a couple of times before he understands what I want. He follows me all the way to the edge of the woods, he then drops to his knees and kisses my head before standing and walking to his home. I wait and watch until he is inside before turning and running back to the pack house.

▪▪▪▪○○○○■■■■Hunter's pov■■■■○○○○▪▪▪▪

'How strange.' was all I could think as I walked into Aunt Livi's house. That was the weirdest experience I've ever had. I walked through the living room on my way to my room only to see a note on the lamp.

Dear Hunter,

I went to Lilly's sports thing, dinner is in the fridge. Call me if you plan to leave the house. We should be back by 9.


Aunt Olivia

P.s . Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

I chuckle to myself as I read it, she has always been like this. I throw the note away and change directions and head to the kitchen. I open the cupboard and grab a pack of girl scout cookies and a soda. With my treasure in hand, I head to my room and flop down on the bed. Just as I get comfortable my cell rings. I check the caller ID and notice its an unknown number. Curiously I answer.

"Hello? Hunter here." I say. Only to melt into a puddle of hormonal goo at the voice on the other side.

"Hunter this is Sabastian. I was wondering, would you like to come over to my house for dinner tonight?"


"Yeah. Is it not a good time?"

"No, I mean yes I can come. What time? " I ask nervously. I had butterflies in my stomach.

" Is seven thirty okay with you?" I look at the clock and noticing its six thirty now I start to panic.

"Sure." I squeak. I then promptly melted once more as he chuckles in his deep sexy bedroom voice.

"Good, I'll pick you up then."

"O-okay, see you then,"I say shyly. I don't know what it is about him that turns me into a blushing virgin but it happens more often than I'd like.

"Bye, Hunter." I squealed internally at the way he said my name.

"Bye." It came out as almost a whisper.

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