Chapter 14

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A/n Guys, I am so sorry this chapter took so long to write. Honestly, writers block kicked my ass and even with this being one of my longest chapters I wasn't able to include everything I wanted to. I'm honestly gonna apologize ahead of time for next chapter because in reality the shit that's in next chapter was supposed to be in this chapter, and I'm still incredibly stuck on how to make it work the way I wanted it to. I'm going to have my ass handed to me by the amount of research required to even vaguely sketch out next chapter. But hey at least this chapter isn't a cliffie. Not that that makes up for this mess. So I love you guys and everything but if you want the next chapter I'm gonna need some comments, not that I'm gonna be one of those people that won't updated until they have a certain number of comments but more because I need a reminder about this story because if you've seen my profile you'll know, I read... A lot, so I'll inevitably get sucked into reading and I'll forget all about the next update. Well fuck that was one hell of a ramble, get your asses in gear and don't let me keep you any longer. ON WITH THE STORY....

@miraheartwild your story sweet submission popped up at just the right time to inspire the end of this chapter. *kisses to you for being amazing*

0o0 Sebby's pov 0o0

The moment I left that house it was like a huge weight was lifted off my chest, I never knew that an empty house could have emotions. I can't help but admire my little kitten for being able to survive there for so long. My wolf and I are furious at that piece of shit, he had no right to even think those things about my baby, much less let the vile words spew from his mouth like poison.

I know Hunter heard him, even if I wish he hadn't, so all I can do is hold him in my arms and hope that is some comfort to him. My wolf wants to go back inside that house, he wants to beat that man until he hurts just as much as my kitten. I sigh when I remember seeing my wolf for the first time earlier. I am going to have to tell granda so that he can start to prepare the Alpha rituals.

I walk into Hunter's bedroom in Olivia's house, and lay him down, I can feel through our bond that he's become numb and it worries me. He's not sad or angry, he's just...blank. I can feel Olivia and Lilly's confusion and concern as I lay down and pull Hunter to my chest. I look over at them as I pet Hunter's hair.

"Later" I whisper to them, I close my eyes and start to meditate after they leave. I sink into my mind and feel the link between me and my mate, I attempt to send soothing feelings through the bond. I pull him closer to me as I feel him start to fall asleep, I let out a sigh of relief. I lean over and kiss him on the forehead as I pull away. "I love you, baby boy," I whisper before leaving the room.

Oo you should name this page break o0

"What happened to Hunter?!" Lilly says in a harsh whisper. I just stare at her for a moment before motioning that they both follow me outside. I lean against the porch railing and breathe the (twilight) air, in an attempt to calm down.

"Sebastian, you're seconds from going Wolfman on us, so I need you to try and explain what happened to make both you and Hunter so upset." Olivia's calming voice brought me back from the edge. I turn around and look at them for a moment before quietly explaining everything, from the bad feeling to trying not to murder the sorriest excuse of a human to ever exist. When I was finished we all sat in silence.

"That son of a bitch, better watch his back." I looked at Olivia in shock, at how dangerous she sounded in that moment. I honestly had never been so proud to know someone before in my life.

The way she took in Hunter, treated him like he belonged in their family, it made me respect her more than anything. She is an incredible woman, and I couldn't wait to meet her brother. If he's anything like her then he's a man I'd be proud to align my pack with.

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