Chapter 2

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*******Lilly's pov*******

I shot up in bed. 'What.... was that a scream? ' I thought disoriented. 'Oh no, Hunter!' I rush to get out of bed, getting tangled in the blankets, and fall face first on the floor. I struggle out of the blankets, finally managing to get untangled. I grab my robe and rush to Hunter's room. I hear sobbing and moans from inside. I push open the door, quietly.

"Hunter" I whisper peeking past the door. Inside I saw him lying on his bed, tossing and turning, in the throes of a nightmare. I rush to his bed and try to wake him up, by gently shaking him, but he doesn't wake.

"Hunter," I shout "Hunter, sweetie, wake up." He sits up violently, his whole body shaking with sobs. "You're okay, sweetie, I'm here," I say pulling him to me, gently rocking him, whispering softly in his ear. I hear the door open and look up, at the sight of my mom staring at me concerned, I shake my head at her silent question. I know she is worried, but there isn't much she can do, so I smile at her weakly while still comforting Hunter.

******* Hunters pov*******

Calming down is probably one of the hardest things to do after "The Nightmare", its always the same thing, at the start of the dream I'm locked in a small white room, and written on the white walls in blood is every insult, every hateful word, that has ever been used in reference to me. I hear voices reflecting what was written on the walls shouting at me as the walls get closer and closer, then the dream shifts, and I'm reliving every bad memory, every lie I've been told, every traumatic event that has taken place in the sixteen years I've been alive. There have been a lot of them. The most prominent ones, though, are of when I was little and I was kidnapped by some people hoping to get money from my parents, the things they did.... it was horrible. I was tied up and left in a storage closet for days before my parents even realized I was kidnapped, and when they didn't get a response after four days, they started to... "play" with me.

"Hunter? " Lilly's voice comes, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I look up into her worried eyes.

"I'm fine, Lilly. It's just a dream." I tell her, even though she knows better, and I guess she decides to let it go.

"Alright, Hunter." She says quietly her voice filled with worry. "How about we go get some hot chocolate, then." She says making me chuckle softly. Lilly is one of those people who believes that chocolate is the cure to every emotional upheaval. She always has chocolate with her in case someone is depressed or having a bad day or if dementors attack. I look at the clock, it's 4:30.

"Might as well, I'm not going to be able to fall asleep again anyways," I whisper to her as I get out of bed and head to the kitchen.


By the time we were on our way to school I was exhausted and sore. My ribs hurt from all of the flailings I did while I was having my nightmare.

Frankly, today was gonna suck. We arrived at school with just enough time to get our books for class. We walked through the cramped and crowded hallway, pushing past people as they rushed around or stood clustered together in groups. With an extreme sense of deja vu, as I begin to space out again, I walk directly into a broad chest that was packed with muscle.

Terrified, I slowly look up to see who I had run into this time. I gasped, as I looked into the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I felt an electric shock run through my whole body, my stomach clenching, as he reached out and caught me before I could hit the ground. My eyes travel down his body, traveling over his broad shoulders, across his strong chest, down his toned abdomen, past his muscled thighs, and slowly back up again until I met his eyes once more. I flushed a violent shade of red as I realized what I was doing.

"I.. I'm so sorry!" I manage to stutter, still blushing a bright red. "I wasn't watching where I was going...!" I began to ramble. I was completely flustered because of the sex god in front of me, who was still holding on to my arms.

"Whoa there, calm down, its completely ok." He said. His deep, raspy voice made me shiver, in the most exhilarating way, as it went straight to my libido. His voice was deep and sexy like chocolate syrup, while at the same time it was husky, and rumbled in a way that vibrated through your body, and instantly made you think of sex. It was then that I realized that I was staring at him. Again. I couldn't help it. I was drawn to him, and I didn't know why.

"Your name's Hunter, right?. I'm Sebastian. " He tells me, practically purring my name causing me to shiver, again, as his voice washed over me. It takes a minute for me to focus enough to register what he had said. 'Oh. My. Goddess.' This sexy beast standing in front of me is my savior, who found me when I was being beaten, the one who took me to the hospital.

*******Sebby's pov*******

I can't stop thinking about my little green eyed Mate. I didn't want to leave him there in the hospital, I really didn't, but I had no choice as it was a full moon. Contrary to the stories, werewolves don't just change once a month, we can change at any time. The only time we actually have to shift is three days. The day before, during, and the day after the full moon. Of course, this the only reason why I left him at the hospital. Putting all that aside, I am extremely anxious to get to school, because today was his first day back in school. I was going to see him, maybe even touch and or talk to him, today.

I can feel my wolf pacing inside of me as I drive to school. This, of course, distracts me enough that I am not paying too much attention as I walk down the hallway. Suddenly, a small body crashes into mine, but, thanks to my wolf reflexes, I am able to catch him before he hits the ground.

The feeling, a mixture of contentment and lust, that washes over me the moment I touch him, and the sinful scent that he lets off tells me exactly who it is that collided with me. I look down, into his beautiful jade green eyes, and every instinct in me screams at me to mark him.

I take a few deep breaths, letting his scent calm me, as I try to get control of my instincts. My wolf struts around proudly, inside me, at the look we are receiving from our Mate. I restrain a moan at the delectable sight of him flushing bright red. I listen as he stutters out an apology, obviously flustered by my presence. His voice is soft and lilting.

"Your name's Hunter, right? " I ask him. I watch as he shivers at the sound of my voice. "My name's Sebastian." I watch curiously as he stares at me dreamily before his eyes widen into an expression of unadulterated shock. I smile lightly at him as he recovers from his shock. He is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. My head jerks up as the warning bell suddenly rings, signaling the imminent start of class. I chuckle as he takes off running in order to get to class on time. 'He is just precious.' I think to myself heading to class at a much slower pace. 'He's Mine, my beautiful, precious mate.' He just doesn't know it yet.

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