Chapter 18

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Hunter's pov.

The last week has been all around amusing. I've spent a lot of time with Maddox, Nico, Swara and Lilly, well, when I'm not being used as a buffer between papa wolf and his mate. The two of them should just bone and get it over with, I swear it can't be healthy to witness this much UST from someone I see as a parental figure.

They dance around each other in a way that started cute and funny but is beginning to become incredibly annoying very fast. I roll my eyes at the full couch width between them as I leave the room to meet my little gang of friends.

"Hunty!" Lilly squeals from her seat on the porch as I walk outside. "You look annoyed," she says turning to Maddox "Why does he look annoyed?" she question's him.

"If I had to guess it would be a tie between the kicked puppy looks his mate keeps giving him and the incessant game of awkward turtle the Alphas keep dragging him into." He responds in his typical sarcastic tone.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner. All three of them are being ridiculous and I need a break. I'm just hoping that when the good ol' three musketeers get back from wherethefuckever they went they can make him start being my Dom again, the whole grovel at my feet thing was cute for like an hour but I need him to snap the fuck out of it before I do something drastic." I huff as I flop down next to Nico.

"So Lillith what's the plan for the Alphawkwards, we need that beautiful scheming brain of yours. I'll pay you in hair dye and Starbucks if you get me a few moments of peace."

"Welp, that does it then, it's time to break out the thinking cap. We're all sneaky little assholes, I'm sure we can come up with something, and if worse comes to worse we can lock them in a room together." She chuckles. "Or, or, or..."

"What are you a seal?" Jason's voice comes from behind us. "That's my job, love. Although, it's probably not the best animal to be when in the wolves den, " He says with a chuckle causing mine and Lilly's mouths to drop open in shock.

"Well it seems like ~somebody has been keeping secrets.~" I say in a sing-song voice. "So what is it this time? I've been introduced to werewolves, werecats, and a Sidhe fae."

"Wait a second, werecats? I know Nico is the Fae but who is the kitty?" Lilly exclaims causing us all to laugh.

"That would be the triplets, Marcio is the only one of the three that is a wolf the other two are 'kitties'." I tell her rolling my eyes. " As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, what new and extraordinary creature are we going to learn about today?"

"Well, aren't we just a fine little supernatural petting zoo with wolves, selich, kitties, and our very own Unseelie? I do wonder what could be next." He says.

"Wait you're a Selkie?" I ask him.

"Always were a quick one pup, although, I definitely didn't expect you to recognize that word." He says with a laugh.

"As cool as all this is, we're distracted from the real question, what the fuck are you doing here, Jason? Ho-"

"Hunter! Don't be rude." Sebastian calls from the edge of the woods. I roll my eyes and turn back to Jason.

"As I was saying," I huff. "How did you know where we were?"

"Well, that's easy enough to answer. Olivia gave me directions here when I told her I couldn't get a hold of Lilly. Someone needs to check her phone." he says pointedly.

"Don't be stupid, we're in the middle of the woods with what cell reception is she supposed to get your texts. Honestly, it's your fault too. You could have tried using the internet when she didn't text back. I mean, you know how she is about texting you, if she didn't respond it is likely she didn't get the message to begin with."

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