chapter 11

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A/N I'm baaaaaack, my lovely readers. Ok, so this chapter was both easy and hard to write. It took a lot of research because I wanted it to be accurate, but once I started typing it just flowed out. I hope you enjoy this very "informative" chapter. As always I love you, thanks for reading, and please comment if you like something or have any suggestions for the future. Desperate? Pshht, I'm not desperate I have no idea what you mean. Don't forget to vote my little darlings. Buhbyeeeee!!!!!!

P.S - the picture is of one of the charts that Sebby is talking about, I'll leave the safeword chart in next chapter probably.

-------Sebby's pov -----

'He is such a tease.' I can't help but think as he eats the dessert. With each bite, it becomes harder and harder to control my wolf's instincts to mate him. The noises he is making are positively sinful, they make me want to take him right then and there over the table.

"It's so goooood!"At the way he says those words, combined with the way he is looking at me while he eats, I have to physically restrain myself and my wolf. I take a deep breath and relax my white-knuckled grip on my fork.

"If you don't stop that, then we'll have to cut this date short, baby boy," I say letting my wolf's dominance come to the forefront, a bit. I watch for his every reaction to my wolf. He quickly shoveled the last bite of cake in his mouth, closing his eyes in pleasure at the taste, while licking his lips to get the last crumbs of cake. I stand abruptly when I feel my wolf attempt to take over. "Come here I have one more surprise for you before we leave. I want you to know that you're gonna pay for teasing me like that when we get back to the cabin, but for now, look out there." I say barely containing my lust while pointing across the water at the other shore. I make sure to snap a picture of him the moment he notices the lanterns, he is beautiful. His eyes light up with excitement, and his smile that spreads across his face is breathtaking. The lights from the torches cause his skin to glow and he is perfect. I realize in this moment that he is everything to me. I shake the thoughts and thrust a custom made lantern in his line of sight. I smile slightly at his delight, before pulling him into my side. Together we stood there, just watching the lanterns float above us. It's very peaceful at the moment, but I know that the moment we get back to the cabin.


When we return to the cabin, I turn and look at Hunter. I realize that we have never spoken about his need for submission, and I plan to fix that tonight. Tonight will be all about him learning what it takes to be my submissive and yet still be pack, Luna. He needs to be able to stand up to me if he disagrees with a decision I've made. I smile as we walk up to the bedroom in peaceful silence. Once we arrive, I lead him to the bed.

"Sit," I say, voice quiet but filled with authority. I watch as he sits on the end of the bed eagerly, and without hesitation. I can't help but feel proud of the way he obeys me without a moment's thought. I don't look away from him for even a moment. I can't help but chuckle at the sight of him, the longer I look at him the more flustered and needy he becomes. I can practically feel his eagerness, and how his imagination is starting to get to him. I walk up to him and spread his thighs so that I can stand between them. I can tell that he is already hard and leaking at just his own thoughts. The scent of his arousal is driving me crazy, but I won't take him until we have had this conversation.

"Hunter, baby, we need to talk about our relationship," I tell him quietly. At his nod, I continue. " How much do you know about the BDSM community?" I ask, ignoring the fact that it wasn't a verbal answer.

"I-I know that BDSM means Bondage/Discipline, Domination & Submission, Sadism & Masochism. I am aware that it takes a lot of trust on the part of both partners for it to be a-a healthy relationship. S-Some of the aspects of it that I have seen s-scare me, but other parts I find... t-thrilling." He says completely flustered. He looks up at me shyly from beneath his eyelashes before saying the rest. "I-I know t-that I ha-have a more s-submissive personality, especially when I-I'm with you." Fuck. The look he is giving me combined with the adorable way he stutters and blushes makes me want to pin him to the bed and ravish him.

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