Chapter 7

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A/n so a picture of Hunter on the side without his snake bites of course. I also added a picture of Sebastian to chapter seven if you want to check that out. Comment if you want a pic of any other character. On with the story!

Xxxxxxxxxx Hunter's pov xxxxxxxX

I'm not entirely sure what just happened. I normally am not one to behave like that, especially because I have never had any type of relationship with anyone, much less a full out make out session like the one I just experienced. That's right, I'm a virgin, and that was my first kiss. I feel drawn to him. It's like something inside me is tugging me toward him. I feel completely safe and free around him, but I don't understand why. I feel this constant need to be near him, to touch him, to kneel before him and worship his body like he is some kind of god. He makes me feel needy and it's all so strange and new The way he makes me feel, I can't explain it. The most confusing feeling, though, is the need to submit, to belong to him and to let him take care of me. I have always been the kind of person to get lost in my own little word, or to panic when there is too much responsibility on my shoulders. I, subconsciously, feel as if I need help controlling myself and my life. My mind is constantly working on overdrive, so it's hard to make even the simplest decisions for myself, I tend to over analyze everything and in the process of this, I always panic. I constantly feel unsure of myself and my decisions. It doesn't help that I've spent my whole life alone, taking care of myself, and taking all the responsibility upon myself. I'm just so tired of it all. I want him to be the one to help me, to take over when I'm overwhelmed by responsibilities or conflicts. Just being in the same room as he makes me feel peaceful, I no longer feel as if I'm going to have a panic attack or screw up. I do a fairly good job hiding it for the most part, but then again the only people who spend enough time with me to know are Aunt Livi and Lilly. I sigh quietly.

"Hunter?" I hear him call my name and look up at him through my eyelashes.

"Yes, sir?" I responded. I didn't realize what I had said right away, but my thoughts coupled with the sensual authoritative inflection to his voice pulled my subconscious desires and needs to the forefront. He cleared his throat.

" You looked a little lost in thought. I wanted to apologize for molesting you like that." He says sincerely. "I just... couldn't control myself, having you in my room pushed all of my buttons. I lost control for a moment and it shouldn't happen again." I looked at him for a minute. For some reason, I was feeling a little bold.

"What if I want it to happen again?" I ask quietly. I saw, from the corner of my eye, his head snap towards me. I was close enough to feel his body heat, to smell that sexy, spicy, and arousing scent that was uniquely his. I felt it wash over me as he stepped closer to me, backing me up against the hallway wall. His arms caged me in one on each side of my head. This beast of a man dwarfed my small frame. He leaned down and ran his nose up my neck to my ear, making me unconsciously tilt my head to the side in a show of submission.

"Do you?" Oh god, his voice is sexy, a definite bedroom voice.I feel his breath against my ear causing me to shiver in excitement. I do believe he could talk me into an orgasm without ever touching me. "Do you want me to pin you to the nearest flat surface and dominate you?" He practically growled his lips brushing my ear. I couldn't hold in my whimper even if I wanted to. He just turned me on so much with his aura of dominance. "To take you so hard and fast that you will feel me inside you for days afterward?" He said as he took my lobe into his mouth. I had no time to respond because at that moment his Grandfather called his name once more. He just smirked at me, as he pulled away, knowing just how much he affects me.


We finally made it into his Family room. I was extremely nervous to meet his grandfather. I mean, why wouldn't I be, he was one of the most influential people in our little town. I didn't realize just how much I was trembling until I reached out to shake his hand. I could feel a panic attack coming on as I began to go over all of the things that could go wrong. I looked at the floor, hiding deeper inside my hoodie and behind my hair. I was feeling so overwhelmed, everyone was looking at me, I could feel it. Then, the best thing happened, I felt a big warm hand find its way to the back of my neck. I felt my tension drain away as I realized who it was.

"Relax, Kitten." He whispered in my ear. The most shocking part was that all my panic and anxiety went away quick as anything at the sound of his voice. I finally looked up from the floor and quietly greeted his family. I was shocked to find them all looking at me the way someone would look at the cutest kitten in the world. I blushed furiously and looked down once more. Although, this time not in fear but in shyness. We took the time for everyone to be introduced and then we headed toward the dining room. I looked around in awe at the magnificent dining room with its hight ceilings and marble floors. The table was decorated with beautiful place settings that were meant to show the family wealth. I was seated next to Sabastian, thank god, so I wasn't as nervous as I would usually be. The food was incredible, and so was the conversation. When looking at the obvious wealth of the family, you wouldn't believe how down to Earth they all were. I smiled more in that one meal than I have my whole life. Well, if I'm completely honest, Sebastian's hand on my knee the whole time was a very big factor with this. I'm normally very shy with new people but his presence comforts me in a way that allows me to be open and cheerful with other people. Everything about him makes me happy, but with my luck, something is bound to go wrong.

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