chapter 12

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I am so sorry for the wait my lovely readers but life's been hectic, I have officially graduated high school. Plus, I had a bit of writers block, my muse and partner in crime is officially a senior now. ^sniffle^ She has no time for me no more. Naw, I'm just playing, but she has been busy so it's been hard to bounce ideas off her the way I usually do. Yeah, I know, excuses excuses. Well, to the main reason I wanted to do this authors note. This chapter is mainly information about the BDSM lifestyle. This chapter is mainly for Sebastian to go much more in depth in his explanations. It's a very important chapter that sets up the story for a lot of the interaction between them from this point on. I understand that it's probably not what you wanted after waiting this long for an update but as I said it's important. All information has been heavily researched, I am not a part of this lifestyle as of now, but I am also not against being in it in the future. This has led to many months of research into the topic. If I have made any mistakes or if you wish to know more information feel free to let me know. Otherwise enjoy. Comment and vote, please.

----- Hunter's pov ---

This morning was different from the rest, usually, I wake quickly. I am not the kind of person to laze around all day. Even if I wanted to sleep all day I couldn't, I have to be constantly moving and active or I become anxious and distant. This morning, though, this morning I woke slowly in a way that I have only woken once before. I woke cuddled up against a warm body, comfortable and warm, and for once I had no intention of moving until at least lunch. I smiled and burrowed deeper into Sebastian's chest and stomach, dozing and listening to his strong heartbeat. This moment won't last forever, especially since we got distracted last night and never finished our conversation, but I will just bask in the feeling of comfort.

This time, when I wake it's to the feeling of Sebastian running his fingers down my bare back and through my hair. I heard him chuckle as I groan and snuggle deeper into his chest.

"Baby, you need to wake up for me." He whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver. I roll onto my back and slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is him leaning over me with a smile on his face. I can't help but sigh and snuggle closer to him. "C'mon Kitten, it's time to get up, I made you breakfast." He chuckles and tries to peel me off of him. With a groan, I sit up and blush when I see the tray of food he brought with him. "I want you to eat while I explain some things to you that I didn't get to last night due to our...little distraction."


" You're completely new at any kind of relationship, right Kitten?" I can feel myself melt on the inside at how adorable he looks right now; His cheeks are bright red and his eyes are wide. I try to be outwardly stern when he starts to nod, although he quickly realizes his mistake and answers with a small yes. I can't help but smile at him. I feel a rush of possessiveness and pride at being his first. I plan to be his first and only at everything. "Well, while normal relationships and BDSM relationships have some difference, as expected, they are still fundamentally the same. Outside, in public, we are in a normal relationship, meaning that if you want to cuddle, hold my hand, etc you can. We will go on dates and do normal couple things. Now that doesn't mean you can't be submissive, in fact, your personality is very submissive, it just means that unless you give permission then I won't treat you to the same extremes as when we are alone." I explain as he eats.

" Also, there is going to be a...learning curve, we will need to test your limits and learn what things you like the best." Seeing the look on his face I leaned forward and brushed his hair out of his gorgeous eyes. "You have permission to interrupt to ask me any questions that you have, love." He blushed again at my touch and even brighter at the endearment.

"What exactly do you mean by testing my limits?" He asks from under his lashes.

"Well, there are a lot of aspects of BDSM and we need to find out which ones you are okay with. Think of it this way, when you're eating if you find some new food that you haven't had before, then you try it, and if you don't like it then you never have to eat it again. You learn what foods you like by trial and error. On the other hand, there are some foods that you just know ,without trying, that you won't like or have an interest in. It's the same way with figuring out your limits in BDSM.

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